Chapter 31: Revenge is sweet!

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Lou's POV:

I woke up the next morning missing all of Ryan's warmth as I remembered he didn't even sleep in the same bed last night. But it wasn't the only thing that was empty, the whole room was silent and I'm sure he wasn't in the bathroom judging from the open door.

"Where is he?" I mumbled as I shuffled with the sheets and got up.

A small piece of paper placed peacefully on the bedside table caught my attention. I opened it and read what was inside, it was a note from Ryan.

We're at the beach, didn't want to wake you up. I brought you breakfast, it's on the table next to the couch. Join us whenever you want Angel.

And with that, my eyes locked themselves on the delicious food sitting on the table waiting for me to eat it.

'You're eating too much, you're even gaining weight!' Well who cares? Food is life.

I ate the breakfast Ryan brought me, savoring every taste of it. It's not everyday that I eat something heavenly...

I wore the same swimsuit from yesterday, Maya's turquoise one, and saw everyone doing different things. Maya of course was sunbathing, she doesn't need a tan though.

Simon was swimming with Tyler, John and Louis while Theo and Ryan were sitting on the beach chairs and talking about some pack stuff I'm guessing.

'Who will you join? Mhhhmmm...' Well, I think I might join Simon, the water is calling me.

I walked over to where the guys were swimming, the water tickled my feet gently reminding me of how refreshing it felt like to be submerged in it.

I was about to join until Ryan interrupted me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked from behind me as he placed his arm around my waist from beneath the water and lifted me up.

"I'm going to swim." I answered like it was obvious. I mean really, it was.

"Not without me!" He said as he came closer still holding me, my back touching his toned muscular chest.

If you're asking me how I haven't drooled over him yet, well I have. And every time I see him half naked at the house too. I just do it discretely...

'You just have to admire the little things in life!' Indeed!

We swam together, well at least I tried to swim with him. He wasn't leaving me and was trying to swim with one hand, which ended up in total chaos and drowning. I was the one that drowned not him, I still don't know how I did drown since I'm a great swimmer but he managed to drown me as he was putting too much weight on me with his arm.

"Alpha, you're drowning the Luna." Louis said. Thank you Louis for reading my mind!

Ryan looked at me and all I managed to do was gargle underwater.

"Shit!" He said as he pulled me to the surface.

"LEAVE ME ALONE I ALMOST DIED!" I screamed and flailed my hands in the air. "How can you still be swimming with one hand? Don't you know what balance is?" I asked hopelessly.

"I'm so sorry, I just didn't want you to drown!" He answered panicking. Why was he panicking, I was fine.

"Well you clearly were the reason for my drowning! Now get your hands off of me!" I slapped his hands underwater. "My bikini is becoming loose!" I screamed which made all the pack members turn to look at me.

Ryan on the other hand tried to protect me from all the stares, but he did nothing but drown me even more.

"Motherfuck-" I got interrupted when when I suddenly swallowed a lot of water. I started coughing and Ryan was panicking so he brought me to shore and rushed to get me a bottle of water. I was fine!

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