Chapter 29: Like my grandma.

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Lou's POV:

The three torturous days of heat passed, not easily, but they still passed. I was this close to sleep with Ryan until I took control over myself and ended it.

Yes I'm still a virgin, and I'm proud!

That guy didn't even control himself! He was so tempted that he forgot it wasn't me, I wasn't doing it on my free will.

Through these three days we stayed close to each other and cuddled all the time since his touch was the cure to my unbearable pain. He didn't take advantage of it which I am grateful for, but I still could see the sadness in his eyes when he figured out I still haven't accepted him yet...

'That boy's gotta be patient to finally win your heart Lou.' You said it girl!

As I said, three days of hell passed and now I'm free, as in heat free and period free. Ryan is taking his vacation like he said he would, starting from today.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Maya asked excitedly. It was morning, an early one to be honest. I don't even know how I got up at seven. We were currently reunited in the house and wandering what we could do to have fun.

"Why don't we go to the beach? It's summer after all." Simon suggested as we all nodded.

"We could spend two days and one night at the resort. In fact, I'm going to try and book a whole floor for us." Ryan said and went to the phone to start booking.

"A whole floor?" I asked astonished, we only need four rooms!

"We're not the only ones coming Lou!" Maya said explaining to me that some pack members are coming with us.

We are going to the beach. Oh hell yeah!

'Oh hell no! You don't have a swimsuit.'  Oh my...I almost forgot. 'Almost? Bitch it totally slipped off your mind! You can't swim naked that's for sure!'

I thought about it for a while, maybe I could buy a swimsuit from over there?

'Maya! you dumbass! Maya can maybe have an extra swimsuit that you can borrow.' You're kind of moody today. Just relax! 'I'll only relax when we arrive at the beach!'

I went to Maya and asked her if she had any extra swimsuit that I could borrow.

"Yes I have a lot! I also have my old small ones from when I was sixteen, I guess they'll fit you perfectly. Thank the moon goddess I didn't throw them away." She prayed as she headed towards the front door with Simon and Theo to go back and pack their bags.

"Don't worry Lou! I'm gonna bring all of them, so you don't have to panic if one of them doesn't fit." She said with a smile.

"I'm going to mind link the pack so they know where we're heading." Ryan said before everyone left.

"Wait, all the pack? Like the two thousand werewolves!" I asked shocked.

"Fuck no! Only the ones that are free, and believe me, a little amount of them are free since the rest are guarding the territory and working out." He reassured me as I sighed.

I wasn't ready to meet the whole pack just yet. Not even when I still haven't completely accepted the fact that they're werewolves.

"Oh, okay." I mumbled quietly looking down to my socks.

"Come on, let's prepare our bags. We're spending the night there." Ryan said calmly and pushed his hand up so I can place mine in it.

I looked at his big hand and looked back at his eyes, they held hope in them. He had a small smile on his lips and a part of me melted...I couldn't reject something like that. He's been very supportive lately and helped me through heat instead of taking advantage of me. He respects my choices and decisions without even questioning them-

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