Chapter 8: sleeping beauty

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Ryan's POV:

I rushed to her side as soon as possible, what did these fuckers do to her?

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I screamed at them. Waiting for them to give me a proper answer.

"It wasn't our fault Alpha, we didn't touch her, she scratched herself while climbing on trees." Tyler said while sitting down by her side to examine her wounds.

"THAT'S IT!" I shouted unleashing my rage, I tackled him to the ground and started hitting him, my fists were full of blood, I was seing red again, no one could stop me. I was going to kill him when she suddenly moved a little and made an 'humphf' sound.

I stopped everything I was doing and sat down on the ground holding her in my arms, she was in pain, in so much pain.

"GET THE FUCKING DOCTOR! I WILL DECLARE YOUR PUNISHMENT LATER." I ordered them, they stumbled and helped Tyler up and ran to the pack house to call our doctor.

As soon as he arrived, he sat down beside me and started cleaning her cut, taking out the pieces of glass that entered Lorraine's leg. We took her to my house and placed her on the couch while the doctor went out to get his tools since he had to wrap her injured thigh with a bandage.

I stayed with her for a couple of minutes, I sat beside her caressing her cheek, pushing away the hairs that were sticky on her sweaty forehead.

"My poor baby, what happened to you?" I whispered calmly while kissing her hand in an attempt to not wake her up. I then placed a kiss on her forehead, God she was so beautiful. What has she gone through when I wasn't there to protect her?

I felt guilty because in the end it was my plan, and if it had gone worse, I would never forgive myself. I just needed her to forgive me, but I don't even know how I was going to tell her the whole truth! Maybe it's not necessary to tell her...

Someone suddenly knocked on the door, interrupting my own thoughts. It was the doctor, he rushed to Lorraine and started wrapping her leg carefully.

"ًWe need to put some serum and blood in her body, she's lost a lot of blood and fluids." The doctor said calmly while standing up. "She's going to be okay, don't worry Alpha."

"Did you bring the blood type O, it's a universal donor, if you don't have any use mine." I told him quietly, werewolf blood is known to heal us faster, so if we ever needed to give it to humans, they would heal quickly even if it's not their same blood type, it functions as a universal donor too.

"I know what I'm doing, I'll be right back." He said slowly while walking towards the room I guided him to, to adjust the material. Doctor Alzick was a wise man, I knew I could trust him with my life.

"Thank you doctor." I told him before he left.

I then went upstairs to prepare her a bath, I wanted her to sleep in the same bed as mine, and make my room ours, but I knew it was too fast, and besides, I respect her way too much to let her sleep in the same bed as mine without her free will.

I chose to give her a big room, it was plain white with a bed in the middle, a balcony on the right and the closet next to it, facing the bedroom door. On the left was a table with two chairs around it, there was also a TV on the wall in front of the bed.

After I prepared the bath, I went downstairs and lifted her up, she would definitely not feel comfortable in all the dirt that was covering her.

I took off her clothes leaving her underwear on. It was really difficult for me to see an attractive beauty like her and not be able to make love to her...

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