Chapter 3:'surviving'

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What the heck was Thomas doing in front of my house? I thought before I got interrupted by his hard grip around my hips. What the hell did he think he was doing ?

"Oh Lou I never thought you wanted me that bad, you couldn't even wait till we enter the house..." He had said while he slid his disgusting hand in an attempt to squeeze my butt but I stood up immediately leaving a good space between us while giving him my most disgusted glare.

"You wish I'd ever pay attention to you, now tell me why you're here." I said still looking at him but also behind me in case the wolf decided to follow me.

"Feisty, I like it!" he said grinning widely. I was actually surprised he came alone, but then I thought maybe it was a prank or something and his friends were hiding while filming us, so I didn't let my guard down.

"Really, am I feisty now? Because I think that two hours ago I was just a coward to you." Wow I did have confidence, I just needed to know how to choose my entourage, but it was mostly because I was really sick of his behavior and couldn't take it anymore, although let me tell you one thing, I liked this confidence.

"Yeah, you're a coward and you will always be a coward to me, but the reason I came here for is to..." He was interrupted by a low growl coming from the woods. Oh hell no I wasn't going to stay outside any longer, I rushed to my front door getting the key out from my pocket and unlocking the door when Thomas suddenly came inside the house joining me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said staring at him wide eyed as he leaned back on the wall.

"Um... I don't know, surviving?" He said with a duh! tone.

"I would rather throw you to the wolves and watch you die." I said to myself until I realized that I actually said that aloud...What the hell Lou ? I mean that's exactly what I wanted to do to him, but it sounded nicer in my head...

"What the fuck? Why would you do..." He didn't continue his phrase since realization dawned on him, he suddenly remembered my perfect reason for these cruel thoughts.

I didn't know what to do, so we just waited near the door to see if the wolf was anywhere in sight. Since it wasn't, Thomas could easily go back to his place and leave me alone, but I doubt he would accept, seeing how much his body's shaking...I then ran to the kitchen window to get a better view of what's inside the woods, and that's when I was met with those two yellow eyes, but now I could clearly see their owner, and boy was I scared.

In the woods stood a huge wolf, and I was clearly oblivious to what size it possessed, a black wolf just 10 meters away from the house, it was watching me with those scary eyes, watching every move I tried to make, but I wasn't moving, I couldn't move...

That's when I heard a little girl's scream and knew that Thomas has joined me to the kitchen and was now frozen, we were both petrified. The wolf growled when he saw Thomas approach, guess he didn't like Thomas, I couldn't blame him, I despised him too. Thomas was never going to leave this house after all, it was already bad that we hated each other, but to be stuck in the same house for a couple of hours before the wolf decides to go back inside the forest and never appears again so that Thomas could finally leave was worst.

I was really thinking about going out and throw myself to the wolf and die instead of spending my evening with that demon.

Oh god! Why is my life like this? Do you hate me? What did I do wrong to be given this horrible life?


Ryan's POV:

I was walking to the station, peacefully, holding my cup of coffee ready to take another sip, when I smelt an attractively amazing smell, one of vanilla and roses, and when I looked up to great the person I've been wanting to meet my whole life, a girl, the girl, the one! Someone bumped into me making me spill my, really hot might I add, coffee on my shirt. I was about to scream because of the burning sensation, when she suddenly lifted her head up making eye contact, and that's when I mumbled 'mate', I was caught by her beauty like a deer caught in headlights.

Her light brown wavy hair cascading over her shoulders, her round brown eyes staring at me in admiration but also confusion in a very soft way. She was short compared to me, I was towering her small figure, I then noticed the book she was holding, so she's a reader huh? she would be really happy when she finds out I have a whole fucking library at my house, where she'll live now...

I could see she was nervous, and fuck if it wasn't cute. She began on lecturing me about the intensity of the word 'hate', I didn't understand what she was talking about until I remembered that I have mumbled 'mate' but she misheard it. Oh, if she knew I could never hate her...She gave me some tissues and I started wiping my shirt, still staring intensly at her, I mean how could you not when you had a fucking angel in front of you?

I could sense she was intimidated, a blush made it's way to her cheeks and that's when I felt my little buddy enjoying itself. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to calm myself a bit, she barely even did anything and here I was wrapped around her finger and she didn't even know it. Then, the dirty thoughts came flooding in my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about the things I was going to do to her, about her legs wrapped around my-

'Pull yourself together man.' My subconscious tried calming me down, but it wasn't working, I've been waiting my whole life for her, and there she was, as perfect as she can be with confusion in her eyes because she misheard the word mate.

But still, I cannot think so low of her, she was still young, I noticed she was holding a bag full of books, I couldn't believe it, she was still at school! I was about to speak still cleaning my shirt with the tissues she gave me when I saw her retreating figure, and that's when she sprinted forward and disappeared behind the wall leading to another street. Oh fuck no! I thought to myself as I chased after her, I was not going to loose her now that I just found her.

I followed her cautiously, not letting her sense my presence a few meters behind her. I saw her entering a house, probably hers, and then two familiar scents came through my nostrils, they both smelled like her but they were males. They were really faded away, like they were here once but left not long ago, my blood began to boil at the thought of two men living with her, they were probably her father and brother but still. Her scent was damn sweet, it was a soft tolerable smell, which made you feel comfortable and relaxed every time you smell it, not like those intoxicating expensive perfumes most women use. I would do anything to be near her again, holding her in my arms, just enjoying her amazing scent...

When there was no sight of her behind the windows, I approached her house, examining it if it was secured, and unfortunately it wasn't, but the street was. I sighed, relieved knowing that no one could hurt her without being caught. I felt happy that she was safe and secured and I was ready to kill anyone who dared touch her.

I then sensed her approach at the front door, and that's when I hid in the forest, I don't think she saw me because then she would probably scream or call the police like any normal and sane person would do. I started thinking that I had to go smooth on her the next time I decide to meet her, I wouldn't want to scare her or anything.

I made a note to myself, to take her phone away from her so she wouldn't try to call the cops when everything shall happen. Luckily for me, she didn't know I was the chief...

I then shifted to my wolf form and ran in the woods, hiding away from her but not letting her leave my sight.

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