Chapter 3. Missed Opportunities

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"I want to have fun. It's a beautiful life. You learn, you win, you lose, but you get up."

Chapter 3. Missed Opportunities

Michael was sitting in his brand new and flashy black colored limousine which he had bought especially for this occasion. He had a wine glass with red colored liquid in his hand which he'd sip before gazing outside the tinted window again. He had missed the last two years celebrations due to some important meetings he had to attend and he felt slightly nervous at the thought of meeting his mate. He glanced at his clock which read 17:58. He had his car parked behind the building as he did not want to draw a lot of attention to himself. To other people, he was just an ordinary man here to find his mate, the difference being that he was someone who came for an hour only.

His chauffeur, Sebastian opened the door for him and he stepped out. Michael adjusted his blue colored tie with his long slender fingers and dismissed Salvador who dipped his head a little before starting the ignition and drove away.

He walked outside the door of what appeared to be a huge mansion with cream colored walls and pillars which supported it. This was the royal pack house where meetings and important debates were held. It had windows everywhere from where people could be seen mingling with each other. A garden surrounded the mansion from three sides and a red carpet was placed on the remaining one side which led to the entrance. Flowers made the garden look more enchanting and their scent filled the air. There was also a board which said,"Love is in the air". Michael cringed at it. Let me bring my gas mask then, he thought to himself and laughed silently at his own joke. As soon as the smile on his face came, it went and he walked on the carpet and went inside.

This inside was strikingly beautiful as well. There were a few tables lined up altogether which had food and refreshments on it. There was even a bowl full of punch with glasses as well. Just like prom, he thought but smirked a devilish smirk when he remembered all those horny girls who stared at him with hungry and lustful eyes. Chandeliers hung from the wall which brightened up the whole house. There were stairs on both sides of the house, both leading to different places. He activated his wolf senses and tried to trace the scent of his mate, walking up and down the stairs and roamed around the house, even though he had already seen it before. He continued walking and checked his clock again and again which now read 18:45 meaning he had only fifteen minutes left. 

The latest silver IPhone model buzzed in his hand and he looked at the caller to see that it was Sebastian. He rejected the call and walked behind the pack house before stepping in the car again. For some reason, he felt sad to know that he couldn't meet his mate. Oh well, if his mate isn't punctual then there's no point.

"Where to, sir?" The deep voice of Salvador brought him out of his thoughts.

"Home," was his reply and they went off. The deep emotion still bugging Michael.

Meanwhile, Hazel was redoing her make up in a hurry as she glanced at the clock, 18:50. Her fatigue took over her and she overslept. She switched her phone on and that was when the notifications started bombarding her screen. 26 calls from Scarlet and 12 from Gavin! Oh, how she wished she hadn't switched it off. At least, the battery was full now.

She slid her heels on and with one glance at the mirror, walked out of the apartment after which she arrived at the pack house. She redid her makeup, the thought of her meeting her mate eating her alive. She wiped her sweaty hands on her dress and clutched onto the silver clutch before walking inside the huge mansion where the ceremony held.

The first thing she did was call Scarlet. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Hello?" She asked, her voice breathless and she heard shuffling from the other end.

"Scarlet?" Hazel asked.

"OMG HAZEL WHAT THE FISH YOU DIDN'T COME AND WE WERE ALL SO WORRIED -" Hazel had to hold the phone away from her ear so that it wouldn't explode.

"Where are you?" Hazel asked, cutting her off from her ranting.

"Here," Scarlet said and Hazel felt something poke her shoulder. She yelped before turning around and came face to face with Scarlet and Gavin. Hazel smiled at her.

"You look gorgeous!" Scarlet beamed at her.

"So do you," Hazel smiled back at her. A genuine one. Just then, the most amazing smell of minty cologne filled her nostrils making her wolf restless.

"Mate!" Her wolf screamed out, trying to take control but Hazel controlled herself.

Hazel's eyes widened and her breaths came out short. Could it be?

"Earth to Hazel?" Scarlet said, waving her hands in front of her face.

"Mate." Hazel whispered while her wolf squealed in joy. She grabbed Scarlet's hands and started walking towards the scent, which was extremely faint.

"Slow down, tiger!" She heard Scarlet saying but she payed no heed to it. The scent became fainter by the second and it became harder to keep track. The lights went dim and the sky was now in view. That's when she realized that she was at the backside of the house. Her brows furrowed in confusion and Scarlet stood beside her.

"Why would he come here?" She asked, her voice extremely low as if she would start an avalanche if she spoke up.

"Are you sure that it was the scent of your mate?" Scarlet asked her and she looked at her.

"I don't know. I mean, there was a scent and my wolf was screaming and jumping up and down and.. I don't know." She confessed.

"Do you smell it now?" Scarlet asked and Hazel took a sniff of the air. The scent had vanished. Hazel shook her head.

"I think it was an illusion or something. It happens, I mean, your wolf was restless so she might have been imagining the scent." She heard Scarlet beside her say. It took a while for her to comprehend the words and she felt something wet slide down her cheek, till she figured that it was one of her own tear drops.

Poor Hazel! 😭😭

Anyways, what do you think of this chapter? Please share your thoughts in the comments section 😘


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