Chapter 11. Resigning

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"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."-
Norman Cousins

Chapter 11. Resigning

Hazel gasped. Why does he have to fire me? We were only talking for God's sake, she thought.

"Fired?" Hazel asked. She wanted her voice to come out stronger than that, like it had in her head but it came out as a weak whisper which obviously, Michael heard.

Michael nodded at her, a triumphant smirk playing across his lips. He did not want any interruptions between him and his mate. And knowing Dylan, he knew that he would be able to make Hazel fall on her knees for him. But Hazel wasn't like that and he didn't know it.

Hazel nodded. "I'm not a whore." She blurted out. Stupid. Her mouth had a mind of its own. But on the other hand, she was thankful for it as she had her dignity.

"What did you say?" Michael growled at her. His wolf wasn't very fond of the adjective he used for her but he instantly blocked their connection.

"I said," Hazel started, taking a deep breath with her voice much more confident now, "I'm not a whore."

"I believe you won't be from now on because you have a job to maintain," Michael snapped at her.

Hazel was infuriated. How dare he! "Well, if applying for this job means that I will have to lose my dignity and my reputation then I will resign," Hazel replied with too much authority in her voice.

"Resign, eh? Well, do I look like I fucking care about that. If you want to leave then go to hell, damned woman!" Michael yelled at her, pointing at the door. His wolf growled menacingly at him but he payed no heed to it.

Hazel was also shocked but chose not to show any type of emotion on her face. Luciana was right. They were all right. He really is a cold hearted bastard who cares about no one. Not even his mate, even though he might not have been aware of it.

"Fine, then. Good luck Mr. Woods!" She said, turning around and walked to the door. She swung her hips for extra effect. As soon as she was about to leave, she turned around to face him and said "I'll be whoring around with Dylan then!"

She smirked when she saw him shake with anger and closed the door on his face, not waiting for his reply. She sighed. It was her first day here and she quitted. Well, it was worth it. Mate or not, her dignity had to be prevailed. Time to find another job then.



Dumb ass.

Those were all the words running around in Michael's head. He had one chance of working with his mate. One chance and he blew it.

You really are an idiot, His wolf said.

It's not my fault. She's so stubborn, Michael replied. His wolf turned off connection but not before growling at him.

Michael began pacing around his office. He loosened his tie and ran his hand in his hair. A part of him regretted his actions but another part of him said that he did the right thing. He was utterly confused and extremely angry.

Not knowing about what he was doing, he walked over to one of his cabinets, took out a bottle of liquor and took a long gulp.

Dylan walked inside Michael's office, checking on his change in behavior which he had witnessed in the morning while talking to Hazel.

The door creaked open and Dylan's eyes popped right out of his sockets as he saw the condition of the office.

Everything was a mess. Papers were scattered everywhere. Michael's laptop and phone were smashed on the ground and there was a huge hole on the wall, probably from Michael's punch. Micheal, himself was lying on the floor, most of his shirt's buttons opened. His tie was hanging limply around his neck and he reeked of alcohol. His hair looked like wild cats did the deed there and his shoes were barely on.

"Woah dude," Dylan said, "What did you do?" He said, kneeling down to meet Michael and shook his shoulders.

"I'm awake," Michael groaned, taking another huge gulp out of the bottle in his hand.

Dylan snatched the bottle from his hand and glared at him, "What happened?" He asked again.

"She left me, man," Michael whispered to him.

"Who left you?" Dylan asked, hoping that it's not who he think it is.

"Hazel left me," Was Michael's response.

Dylan sighed. Of course.

"C'mon get up man. You need to tell me exactly what happened," He sighed, picking him up. He had successfully managed to lay him down on the sofa in the corner of the room. He sat next to him as he looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

And Michael did. He told him everything. How he called her a whore, how she responded to maintain her dignity, how she threatened her and how he didn't give a damn about it.

"Damn," Dylan whispered, running his hand through his hair.

"So what? We'll find you another secretary. One that's prettier, sexier and knows how to turn you on," Dylan winked.

Michael growled and his wolf did too. "No one is prettier, sexier or can know how to turn me on better than Hazel, understood?" Michael yelled at him.

"Woah, man. Calm down," Dylan said, putting his hands in the air, a sign of stating that he surrender.

Michael sighed. "You don't get it, man," He said. He didn't know that not having your mate around can make you feel so depressed like this. He felt so guilty. Of course she would talk back to him. She has a reputation to maintain! She can't just let anyone talk shit about her and not do anything about it. He knew better than that.

"And what exactly don't I get? Care to elaborate on that statement, Mr. Woods?" Dylan asked him, suddenly interested.

Michael stopped. He should tell him. He is a werewolf after all. An unmated and a carefree werewolf. He hadn't yet found his mate. But it's fine since he's only twenty two.

But then he realized that he probably shouldn't. He would though, at a different time.

He finally whispered, "She left me."

Please don't hate me for this. *Hides behind sofa* Anyways, I had to do this since I had to show what Michael is like. I assure you that all the good parts will be coming soon. In the meantime, don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow!

Peace out! 🌹


Showers 🚿 or baths 🛁?

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