Chapter 2

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Pin POV:
I had heard that there was going to be a new member boarding her horse at Bright Fields. Great. Another horse to clean up for.

I had heard some commotion so I looked outside of the barn, only to see Marcus, Zoe, Becky, Jade, and Sam crowding around some horse and girl. Probably someone like Mia and Susie with my luck. Like we need anymore people like that.

She's probably this rich snob with perfect riding clothes and perfect tack, and the most perfect horse that probably costed millions.

I noticed Sam and Marcus walking with the girl and her horse towards the stables, where I was. I turn my back and continue to sweep the mess that Mia had left.

The neigh of a horse caused me to turn around. A girl with long dark hair and a dapple grey mare. I knew that horse. I knew that girl.


I could tell that she recognized me by the look on her face. She slips her helmet off and hangs it on one of the stalls before walking up to me and pulling me into a hug. I immediately hug back, resting my chin on her head as she is quite shorter than me. Sparrow walks up and starts nuzzling my shoulder and smelling me. "Hey big girl. How are you?" I say, gently rubbing her nose.

"I missed you" she mumbles, pulling away and looking up at me. I smile at her. "I missed you too" I say back.

"So..." Marcus' voice interrupts. "You two know each other?" He asks. Sam chuckles. "These two were the best of friends before Amber left, I've never seen two people work together like those two" she explains.

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and look away. Amber takes Sparrow to a stall and turns her around before kissing her nose gently, muttering something that I couldn't quite hear.

"I am looking for work while I'm he-" she begins but is cut off by Sam. "You're hired. Again" she laughs. I remember when she used to work here. We worked together. That's how we ended up meeting each other.

Marcus has a surprised look on his face and I give him a look but he just ignores me. A loud whinny echoes through the barn. Raven.

Amber looks up and around before closing Sparrows stall and looking at us. The raven coloured horse sticks his head out of his stall and looks around. "Is? Is that Raven?" Amber asks, a shocked look on her face.

"You know Raven?" Marcus asks. "I used to" she answered before approaching the horse.  She stands in front of him and reaches her hand out. His nostrils flare and his eyes widen, causing Amber to pull back slightly.

She reaches out again and this time, he lets her touch him. "He's so tense" she says looking at us, running her hands down his firm neck. "Has anyone been training him?" She asks. "Zoe is the only one who can seem to get near him and calm him, and she's not that experienced yet. She's only been here a few weeks" I explain.

"You are a special horse, aren't you?" She asks the gelding. He snorts lightly shakes his mane around. "He seems alright around you" Marcus states. "I don't know why" Sam adds. I know. And I know that Amber doesn't like to talk about it, so I keep my mouth shut.

"Hey. Who are you and what are you doing with my horse?" A voice asks. Mia. "This is your horse?" Amber asks, giving me a look. I return her with a 'just go with it' look and she sighs.

"Well, you have a lovely horse" she compliments. "Yeah. She knows" Susie butts in. I mentally roll my eyes. "Back to my first question though. Who are you?" Mia asks with a venomous tone.

"This is Amber. She's boarding her horse here" Sam jumps in before the situation gets out of hand. "Amber, that's Mia and Susie" she adds, gesturing to the two girls. Amber gives them a tight smile while the girls just give her a dirty look.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you all, but I've got to go" Amber says awkwardly, checking her phone. "I've got a lot of unpacking to do so.... I'll see you tomorrow Sam" she says. "See ya" Marcus smiles.

"Bye Pin" she smiles. "Mia, Susie" she nods towards the two of them before walking away. "I've, gatta sweep the rest of the barn" I say before walking away and going back to sweeping.

After completely sweeping the place, I noticed that Amber had left her helmet on one of the stalls. I take it and walk towards the tack room and look for her stuff. I spot Sparrows bridle as I was the one who had got it for her countless years ago. She's been gone for nearly 8 years and she kept the bridle. I noticed that she had other bridles too, but she still kept that one. I smile to myself before hanging up her helmet and walking out of the tack room.

As soon as I open the door, Zoe is there. "Hey Pin" she smiles. "Hello Zoe" I smile back. "Soooooooo" she nudges my shoulder. "What's up with you and the new girl?" She asks causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

"There's nothing going on between us. She's an old friend that's been gone for years, and now she's back" I state simply. She gives me a look. "Pin. Don't lie to me. You can tell me" she presses. "There's nothing to tell. Have a good night Zoe" I give her a small smile before grabbing my helmet and tacking up my horse to go home.

Riding home. I had a lot on my mind. But there was one big question that I kept pondering. Why is she back? Not that I don't want her back, but I know her history. I need to get her alone and talk to her about it. But that'll have to wait for tomorrow. Right now, I have a sick pony to tend to.

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