Chapter 29

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Pin POV:
I can't believe that I kissed her. I honestly can't believe that I did that. And I can't keep the reoccurring thought out of my head. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it and so did she, even though she didn't say anything, because she kissed back. I still can't believe that I actually did that.

I get home after a while, thinking about Amber the whole way back. I know that I should have stayed with her but she's stressed out about Sparrow and by arguing with her, it would just make her stressed out even more, and she doesn't deserve that. No one does.

Why would the horse thieves go after Sparrow though? They've never gone after her before and now they've got Raven, so what did they want with Sparrow? Why did they hurt her? She haven't done anything wrong whatsoever and I was quite confused, raking my thoughts for a possible answer but still coming up with none.

Once I get home, my dad isn't home yet, but he was probably on his way. He did look like he was having a good time with Zoe's mom, but it did kind of creep me out a bit. I get that they're friends but still. I just want my dad to be happy, and after what happened with mom, I don't want him hurt again. It took a big toll on both of us.

I first go and check on my pony, who seemed to be doing better. He hadn't tried to stand up yet but at least he looked like he was making progress, and that's good. I gently stroke his face and offer him an apple, which he takes slowly, chewing thoroughly. I check his water and make sure that it's clean for him.

"So how was your night?" Dad asks from behind. I shrug simply. "Fine" I say. He nudges me with his shoulder. "I saw what you did" he says. "What?" I ask, trying to act confused and like I don't know what he's hinting at. "I saw you kiss her" he pushes and I blush immensely. "Ha. I knew I was right. You do have feelings for her" he teases and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. What about you and Zoe's Mom?" I ask, trying to get back at him as best as I can. "We just danced. Nothing else happened, but you. I'm actually surprised Peter. I honestly thought that she would end up making the first move" he says. I give him a look. "What does that mean?" I ask. He shrugs. "Just a hunch. A gut feeling" he explains.

"How's the horse?" He asks. "She'll be ok. Knowing Amber she'll stay the night with her" I say. "And you didn't want to stay with her?" He asks with confusion written on his face. "I know her. She'll want to be alone, and that's what she asked. I didn't want to argue with her" I say. "Smart boy" he laughs, ruffling my hair. "Dad. Don't" I say, causing him to chuckle.

"Well, I'm going to bed, I've got to go into town tomorrow morning" he says, walking out of the crate. "Do you find it strange?" I ask, causing him to stop walking and turn around. "Find what strange?" He asks. "That the thieves hurt Sparrow. They got what they wanted, they got Raven. So why hurt Sparrow?" I ask, truly confused. He thinks for a moment. "I actually haven't thought about it"  he says, a puzzled look on his face. "It's a valid point though" he adds.

"I honestly don't know Peter. I'm sorry" he admits, still looking quite confused. I nod and I follow him out the crate and into the house. Maybe sleeping on it will help. Hopefully.

~The Next Morning~

I wake up at my usual time the next morning and do my usual morning things. I get dressed and go to check on my pony, who seems to be more down than usual and he didn't seem to want to eat or drink anything, and I wasn't going to push it. I didn't want to stress him.

My dad had already left so the place was quiet. I tacked and mounted up on my horse and galloped off to the stables. Once I got there, I immediately noticed the two police cars. I dismount and tie my horse up. "Sam. What's going on?" I ask. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "It's Amber. She's gone" she says.

My heart drops. "Gone? W-what do you mean gone?" I ask, nerves racing through my body. "I mean she's gone" she says, tears streaming down her face. I run to Sparrows stall. She was lying down but you could tell that the was very stressed. Her nostrils were flaring and her eyes were wide.

I open the door and walk in and she flattens her ears and snorts aggressively at me. I calmly reach my hand out but she snaps and snorts at me. I try and rub her neck but she only seems more agitated at me, so I try something else. "Hey. Where's Amber?" I ask quietly. At the sound of her name, her ears go up and her eyes soften. She gently sniffs my hand and I stroke her face. "Where is she?"

Amber POV:
I awake with a groan and try and move my hands, only to figure out that my hands are chained to the ground. I try and focus my eyes only to see that I'm surrounded by concrete with a light dangling from the ceiling over me. I seem to be in a basement of sorts, but where? I don't know but it looks industrial though.

I start to pull on the chains hopelessly but I know that it won't do any good. How did I get here? All I remember is passing out and feeling the sensation of being dragged. Wait. Sparrow! Is she ok? Did whoever took me hurt her again? What about Pin? Is he ok? What time is it? How long have I been here? So many unanswered questions.

Since I'm in a basement, I can't tell what time is or how long I have been here. A loud bang echoes through the air and I try and figure out where the sound came from. I look to my right and see what looks like stairs. Heavy footsteps trudge down the stairs.

My breathing picked up and fear started to course through my veins. I heard another pair of footsteps yet they weren't as heavy and seemed more quiet. I listened to the footsteps approach me and the quieter ones stepped into the light. I recognized him. He was the one at the hospital that day. He was the photographer at the stables that day. "Hello Mrs. Dales. How are you?" He asks. I simply just glare up at him.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I ask, venom laced in my voice. "Oh, I'm not the one that wants you" he says. Someone else steps into the light. Someone I never wanted to see again. Someone who caused me years of pain. Someone who made me leave the only place I didn't want to. Someone who made my life so unbelievably miserable. The man who killed my mother.

"Hello Amber" he smiles, stepping in the light. "Hello dad" I spit.

Hey guys. Idk if I'll be able to post the other chapter because I am going out for the rest of the day and many data can get stupid. Just a reminder that I don't update Sundays. Sorry but I promise that I'll be back Monday. Keep reading lovies😊

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