Chapter 7

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Amber POV:
Pin and I arrive back at the stables in no time. I dismount and un tack Sparrow before hosing her down. She was pretty sweaty. After giving her a quick shower, I use the sweat scraper and get all the excess water off of her before bringing her back to her stall.

I help Pin rotate the horses and bring the ones in and take some of them out. We put fresh shavings and hay in each stall for the night and I re-check their water. Everything seemed to be in check, and it was around 6 at night. The sun was already beginning to set. I helped Pin sweep the barn before he headed back to his house for the night. We said our goodbyes and I gave him a quick hug before he mounted up and left.

I head into the tack room and grab Sparrows saddle pad to take home and wash it as it was all sweaty and dirty. I opened my tack box and pulled out a handful of treats and went off to see Sparrow.

As soon as I poke my head in her stall, she picks her head out of the nest of hay, nickers and walks over to me. I give her her treats and say goodnight before going off to see Raven in his paddock.

I approach his paddock, knowing that he's the only one in there and call his name. I can see his sleek black body as he grazes on the grass. He looks really pretty in the sunset as he really stands out. He looks almost like he's a shadow. He looks up at the sound of his name and comes galloping over, sliding to a halt at the last moment. I offer him some treats, and he sniffs them before taking them and searching for more.

"That's all I have big boy" I tell him, rubbing his messy forelock. He throws his head up and seems to be looking at something very intently. His nostrils flare and his eyes widen. His ears are stiff and stick straight up. I try to see what he's staring at but it seems to have gone as he looks away.

Hm. I wonder what he was looking at. Maybe a fox or something. The sound of a car echoes and slowly gets quieter. "Strange. Huh big boy" I say to him. He flicks his eyes down to me and blows warm air in his face.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I smile before giving him a pat and walking off. On my way out, I bump into Marcus. "Amber. I didn't know that you were still here. Did you see anyone around Raven?" He asks. "Yeah. Me. I gave him a treat" I tell him.

"Oh. I see" he says, looking slightly embarrassed. "Is something wrong?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. He just seems to be comfortable around you" he says. I shrug. "I am a calm person. Maybe he picks up on my calm energy" I guess. He gives me a look.

"Yeah. Maybe. But since he seems really calm around you, would you consider helping me with him tomorrow?" He asks. I shrug. "Sure, but I did promise to help Jade with her jumping too" I tell him.

"Oh. Ok. It's just that you're more experienced than Zoe is. Raven really seems to like her too" he tells me. "Raven is a funny horse. He likes some people, others, not so much" I shrug laughing lightly.

He nods. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then" he smiles. "Yeah. See ya" I smile before walking off towards Amy's house.

I get there and let myself in. Amy was in the living room watching some show. "Hey. You're back" she smiles as I take my boots and half chaps off and go and sit with her.

"How was your day?" She asks. I shrug. "Fine. I went for a picnic with some girls, went for a ride with Pin. I worked. How was yours?" I ask. She gives me a look. "Ohhhh. You went for a ride with Pin did ya?" She teases, poking my arm.

"Amy? What's the big deal?" I ask. She looks at me with an 'are you serious face'. "What?" I ask. "Really. He's totally into you" she shoves me. Hard. I almost fall off the couch. "Easy muscles. And he's not into me. He's. Just. A. Friend" I state very, very clearly.

"Suuurrreeee hhheeeee iiissssss" she smirks. "Amyyyyyy" I roll my eyes and hide my face as it was probably the colour of a tomato. "Ahhhhh. You're blushing. You like himmmmm" she teases. I shove her back and shake my head.

"Were just friends" I groan. "Yeah but you don't want to be 'just friends' do you?" she smirks. I groan again. "I'm hungry. Do you want to go to that cafe that you were talking about?" I change the subject.

"This conversation isn't over but sure. Did you go to the cafe this morning?" She asks. "No" I reply. "Perfect. Go get changed and I'll get that money off the counter" she says as she gets up.

I go upstairs and change into jeans and a simple t-shirt and grab a pair of running shoes and my phone before heading back downstairs. "Hey. I thought you said that you didn't go out for breakfast" she says as she looks around the kitchen.

"I didn't. I swear" I say, putting my hands up in surrender. "Then where's the money?" She asks, still looking around. "I put it on the counter. I swear" I admit, looking around the kitchen too. Something smells funny in here too. Maybe I dropped some egg and now it's in the burner. I made a mental note to check tomorrow morning.

We eventually just give up on looking for the money. "We'll look when we get back. Come on. Let's go" she simply shrugs before grabbing her wallet and pulling out more money and grabbing her purse too. "Let go eat something".

Secret POV:
I watched from my car as Amber and Amy look around the kitchen for the money I stole. Amber didn't lock one of the windows before she left for the stables and I slipped in. I got some pictures of her room and the entire house and I got a few pictures of her with a grey horse and a black horse. I also had a picture of her hugging some boy.

My employer had hired me to find her and now I found her. Guess who's getting paid 20'000$ tonight? That's right. Me. The boss will be very happy that I finally found the girl that he's been looking for.

The front door opens and Amy and Amber walk out with grins on their faces, laughing about something. I raise my camera and snap another picture. I was parked down the street in the driveway of my friends house. My car had tinted windows so neither Amber or Amy knew that I was in the car.

Once their gone, I step out of the car and light my cigarette and check through my photos on my camera. My employer will be happy with these.

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