Chapter 13

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Hey guys. You should go check out artyanya's Pin fanfic. It's really good. Amber POV:
The photographers approach us. There are two of them and they are both male. One had a bit of a heavier set and the other was thinner, tall, and scrawny looking.

Sparrow seemed to be eying the taller one for some reason. Her features went from soft to hard in a split second and she went into a more protective state of mind.

"Hey? What's wrong big girl?" I ask my startled mare. She looks down at me and relaxes a little. Something isn't right. She doesn't usually get this way and she hasn't since.............

I shake that thought out of my head. No. Impossible. He's not here. He's not here. I'm perfectly safe. She's perfectly safe. Pin is safe. Everyone is safe. But are we really? Is anyone truly safe anymore or at all?

"Amber?" Jade asks, waving a hand in front of my face. "Hm?" I ask. "Sorry. Zoned out there" I joke, but the joke was anything but funny. She laughs lightly. "Day dreaming about your boyfriend?" She asks.

I give her a confused look. "If you are hinting at Pin. Again. Please don't. He's just a friend" I groan, getting sort of tired from all of the Pin stuff. She gives me a sheepish smile. "Sorry" she blushes. "It's just that..." she trials off.

"What?" I ask. "Nothing" she puts on a warm smile. I look past Jade to see Becky talking to the heavier photographer about Bob. He seemed impressed, well. Sort of. He really seemed interested in Raven, who was currently being held by Zoe and Marcus, completely saddled and bridled up.

I sigh. I still think that this is a bad idea. I noticed that the tall guy was staring at me, quite intently for my comfort. I pretend to fiddle with my helmet in order to distract me. When that idea tired, I started braiding my hair and tied it off with a silver ribbon to match Sparrow. He was still watching me.

I shifted uncomfortably and kicked the dirt with my boots. When he started walking towards me, I tensed up. He was getting closer and closer. Mia suddenly walked in between us, causing him to stop and startle back a little. For once, I was glad to see Mia. I'll never admit THAT again.

"You have a lovely horse" the man compliments. I blush and smile lightly. "Thanks" I say. "Excuse me, aren't you here for pictures of EVERYONE" Mia says and gives me a dirty look.

I sigh and lean against Sparrow lightly and she eyes then photographer with a hard glare. "Jack Niles" the man says, extending his hand for me to shake. I extend mine and take his in mine. Sparrow stomps her foot. "Amber Dales" I reply, kind of shyly.

He makes a 'hm' sound before turning to introduce himself to everyone else, but something just didn't see right about that guy. The other one didn't bother me, but this guy, Jack, he made my stomach clench, and there's just something wrong.

I slip my helmet on and mount up with everyone else. Becky and Bob didn't look bad, even after the whole poo fiasco. I did feel bad for her. She tries so hard.

The other photographer wanted a picture of Mia on Raven and of course, Mia being Mia, jumps on his back. The photographer starts snapping photos and Raves starts to freak out a bit.

Mia starts pulling and jerking back on the reins. Zoe was muttering something but I'm too far away to hear what she's saying. Mia continues to jab on poor Ravens mouth and I was about to rip her off of that poor horse when Raven reared and Mia fell. I smirked. Good horse.

Zoe runs toward Raven while Sam and Susie help Mia up and away from Ravens legs. Zoe gently coos Raven to calm down and I give her a small smile. She truly has a way with horses, specifically that one.

The photographer starts snapping photos of Raven and Zoe. After getting a few more photos of Raven, Zoe walks off with him, probably to calm him down more.

The photographers urge us into a line and I squeeze Sparrow over to stand beside Becky. The cameras started clicking and everybody smiles. I put on a small smile and stare off into space.

I noticed that one of the cameras was trained on me. Jacks. He looked up and smiled at me. My smile dropped. I felt as if someone else was watching me too. I look around and see that Pin is staring at me.

He must have read my facial expression because he mouthed an 'are you ok?' In response, I shrug. He gives me another look, this one has more confusion. I give him a 'we'll talk later' look and he nods.

I adjust my seat in my saddle and sigh. I'm bored. I don't want to be here right now. I'm tired. "Are we done here?" I ask in a annoyed voice. Both photographers look at me and every rider gives me an 'are you nuts?' Look.

"You are. We don't want you here anyways, you're taking up too much camera space anyways" Mia says, flipping her hair over her shoulder. I scoff at her arrogance and walk away. I don't have to take this. I have better things to do than just simply sit here with a fake smile on my face.

"Amber wait!" Sam calls out but I urge Sparrow into a canter and we go off into the moors. I'm too tired to deal with Mia right now. I try and convince myself that her comment doesn't bother me, but it does. It bothers me a lot actually.

I finally slow Sparrow at the tall oak tree that I had the picnic with the girls a few days ago. Sparrow slides to a halt and I jump off, taking my helmet, her bridle and saddle off so she can relax. I trust her enough that she won't run away from me. And even if she does, we're on an island. Where can she even go? She's not much of a swimmer.

I lean my back against the tree and sigh. I didn't even want to be in that stupid photoshoot. Why does Sam have to push me? She knows that I'm not that type of person.

The sound of horse hooves cause me to turn and look over my shoulder. Pin was galloping up the hill on his horse toward where I was. He probably saw Sparrow. He slows his horse and jumps off it's back and tethers it to the tree before taking his helmet off and looking down at me. "You ok?" He asks, looking down at me.

I shrug. "Just tired of Mia's horse manure" I admit. He sits down beside me and huffs. "Join the club. I don't know what's up with her lately" he says. "Me" I say. He shakes his head. "She's probably jealous" he says. "Of what?" I ask. "Look at me" I add, sighing and leaning my head back against the tree behind me.

He cautiously wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side. I lay my head on his shoulder and lean against him. "What was up with you and that photographer?" He asks, changing the subject. I shrug. "He was just watching me. It was creepy. He was staring and eying me down the whole time, like I was a meal" I explain.

He body tenses and I can feel his eyes in me. "I'll talk to Sam later" he says. I 'hm' and close my eyes. "So when are you going to tell me why you're not sleeping?" He asks causing me to open my eyes and look up into his.

"I sleep" I say. "How much?" He asks. I think for a minute. "In the past few days. Maybe 5 hours a night" I say. He gives me a concerned look. I close my eyes and lay on his shoulder again. "Can we talk about this later?" I ask. "Yeah. Sure" he says.

I feel my eyelids get heavy and for some reason, I felt really comfortable here. I let out a small breath before sleeps pulls me in.

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