Chapter 25

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Pin POV:
After I had finished my work at the stables, I headed back to my place to try and get my pony to eat. Since Ambers been away, I haven't gotten my hands on that mixture that he seems to like so much so I've been trying to feed him apples, but he doesn't seem to want to eat at all.

I placed the apple in front of his muzzle, hoping that he would find the will to eat it. A quiet knock on the side of the crate brought me out of my thoughts. Zoe was standing there with something in her hands.

"I didn't hear a horse" I say. "I walked" she said. I gave her a confused look but mentally shrug. I had heard something about her being thrown off Raven but I didn't believe that it was true until now.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask, turning my attention back to the pony. "I came to ask you about Raven" she says in a more serious tone. "And what makes you think that I know anything about that horse?" I ask, still not looking at her.

"Because of this" she says, causing me to look up at her and see her holding a small picture of my dad with Raven when he was just a goal. I give her a blank look and divert my attention back to my pony. "Fine. Don't tell me" she says before walking away but I heard my dads voice, and that caused my head to snap into their direction.

My dad explained how we had found Raven in a crate on the beach, which led her to figure out why he was so scared of water and why he is the way he is. My dad had gotten up and left to go do something and Zoe presented me with what looks like a radio.

"It helped with my dog when he got sick" she explained. "Did it work?" I ask causing her to nod. "With time, yes" she smiles. Just then, the pony took a bite of his apple and started munching away causing me to smile.

Zoe eventually walked off and back to the stables I think while I sat with my pony for a little bit longer. Once he finished eating his apple, I saddle and bridle my horse and head back to the stables, since there is really nothing else for me to be doing here.

Once I arrive at the stables, I removed all of my horses tack and was bringing it to the tack room when I heard voices from inside. Usually I wouldn't care but one sounded like Becky's and the other sounded like Ambers.

Wait. Ambers here? I lean against the wall beside the door so that I can hear better. "What I don't get is that you're so oblivious to the fact that Pin is totally in love with you" I hear Becky say. My cheeks heat up and I look at the ground. Maybe what Becky is saying is true. I do love Amber, and I would do anything for her.

"Becky. I've said this many times. Pin is a friend and he's always been there for me whenever I need him to be. He's been by my side through some terrible situations and I'm scared that if I get in a relationship with him that those things will change". Ok. That may have hurt a little bit. I know that we're friends that that we are good friends, and what she said is true, but is she really scared of being in a relationship with me? I would never hurt her, and honestly, if we ever were in a relationship, I would just be even more protective of her. I could keep her safe and out of harms way and not have to use the 'it's because we're friends' excuse.

Becky says something that I couldn't quite hear because she said it so quietly, but then the conversation changed to the dress that Becky is going to wear to the pony prom and something about Marcus. I forgot about that dance, but it's not like I ever go anyways. Dancing is not my thing and I'm not the biggest fan of crowds of people.

Amber then says something about liking what's on the inside, and not so much the outside, and that made me smile. Everybody always judges me before they know me and then they just start to assume things. People look what's on the outside and make a quick judgement of who you are, but when in reality, you're a completely different person.

That's what I always liked about Amber. When we met when we were young, she looked past my attitude and my walls and found out who I really was. She kept pushing me and pushing me to tell her something, anything about myself but I was too stubborn to say anything. Then she told me things about herself and that caused me to open up about myself.

After that day, we became the best of friends because we knew each other better than anyone else. The door was about to open so I dashed the side and waited for the two of them to walk away before putting my tack away.

I think that I may actually go to the dance this year, but only for one reason. Amber.

Secret POV:
My employer has finally arrived and was standing at my front door. "Good afternoon sir" I say, offering him my hand to shake but he shoves it away and walks right last me. I draw my hand awkwardly back to my side and close the door.

"Where is she?" His gruff voice asks. "She's at the stables sir" I respond respectfully. He groans. "Of course she is. She's always there" he groans. "Is there a problem sir?" I ask nervously. "Yes there is a problem!" She shouts. I grip my gun that was hiding in the belt loop on the back of my jeans.

"Sir. Calm down" I say. He inhales and exhales deeply before speaking. "When do you plan on taking her?" He asks. "There is a dance on Friday at the stables. And to keep her, there is an abandoned warehouse on the east side of the island and I've fixed up the basement so we'll have our space" I explain.

He pulls out a brown envelope and hands it to me. "Open it" he instructs. I carefully open the envelope and inside there is money. Lots and lots of money. "That's 10'000" he says. "Thankyou sir" I say. "You've done well Cole. You've done well" he finishes.

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