Chapter 24

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Amber POV:
After my ride with Becky, both us and our horses were tired. The ride was a bit tricky for me because if my stupid brace, but I managed. Somehow. We gave them both a bath, probably getting more water on ourselves then we did on our horses.

"I can't wait for Friday" Becky gushes as she finishes rinsing Bob off. "What's Friday?" I ask. "Pony prom. Duh" she says as if it's obvious. "Ohhh" I say. She bumps me with her hips. "So are you going?" She asks. I shrug. "I still haven't decided Beck" I admit, continuing to brush Sparrows wet mane and tail.

"Come on. It'll be fun. There will be people and food and.....more food" she says before gasping. "Maybe there will be crisps" she says all jittery. "And best of all, hot Marcus will be there all dressed up nicely, not that he has to try anyways as he looks totally hot in anything" she rambles on and on about different outfits that Marcus apparently looks hot in.

I don't get why all the girls are obsessed with him. I mean, sure, he is good looking but to go on and on about him is just creepy to me.

I'm partially listening but I'm also partially not. I could honestly care less what Marcus or anyone wears because I don't even think I'll be there. It's like my brain is having a terrible war with itself and it's giving me a headache, and Becky's rambling isn't helping whatsoever.

She gives me a look as she finishes scraping all the excess water off of him with a sweat scraper and I look behind me. Nobody. "What's wrong" I ask. "Did you hear what I said?" She asks. I give her a sheepish look. "Sorry Beck. I wasn't listening. What were you saying?" I ask.

She smirks before restarting what she had been saying. "I said that you and Pin should totally go together. Pimber needs to happen and soon. I'm scrap booking and I have pages of all my friends-" she begins but I cut her off. "And a whole book just for Marcus" I smirk causing her cheeks to go bright red. "No. Well, maybe. Ok yes, but that's not the point. I'm saving a page for the two of you labeled Pinber in silver glitter and that glitter was expensive. Don't make me waste my glitter" she points her finger at me, giving me a fake angry look.

"Becky, I'm starting to wonder if your taking something" I admit, laughing. She gives me a surprised look. "How did you know?" She asks, dead serious. My face drops and she laughs. "You're so easy to fool. I love it" she laughs and Bob throws his head up. I roll my eyes at her.

We finish grooming our horses and she turns Bob out into his paddock while I turn Sparrow out into hers, giving her an apple slice and a kiss before walking off. Becky and I meet back up in the tack room.

"You really should go you know. Pin does have feelings for you. Everyone can tell, I even overheard Marcus talk to Pin about it. If the guys are talking about it, then it must be true" she says. "Why if the guys say it it's true?" I ask. "Because us women make up rumours and things that aren't true. Have you ever heard of a guy making up a rumour?" She asks. "Duh. Pregnant girls in high school" I smirk.

"Well, you're not helping me prove my point" she says. I smirk. "That was the plan" I say, putting my saddle on its stand and reorganizing my brushes in their box. No matter how many times I organize it, it always seems to get messy again.

"What I don't get is that you're so oblivious to the fact that Pin is totally in love with you"she says. "Becky. I've said this many times. Pin is a friend and he's always been there for me whenever I need him to be. He's been by my side through some terrible situations and I'm scared that if I get in a relationship with him that those things will change" I admit shyly and sadly, sitting down on my tack box. I don't want to loose Pin. He's all I really have in this world.

Becky slides in beside me. "I don't think that any of those things will change, but you'll never know if you don't try" she tries to cheer me up, and I will admit, it did make me feel somewhat better. "Thanks Beck" I smile at her. "Now that I've helped you" she begins, pulling her phone out.

"I know that it's only Wednesday but I really want to decide which dress I want" she says scrolling through pictures of different dresses. She explains how she really likes this pink one with sparkles and unicorns. To be truly honest. It suits her. After I agree with her on the dress, she starts going through different hair styles and makeup and shoes and so on.

I told her to relax and just to show up to the dance and be herself wearing whatever she feels comfortable and happy in. She hugs me gently. "Do you think Marcus will like it?" She asks. "Doesn't matter. Guys should be attracted on what's on the inside, not what's on the outside. Sometimes the most beautiful people have the hardest shell" I explain.

"You're right" she exclaims. "Once Marcus sees who I really am, he'll fall head over heels for me. Well, I hope he won't fall. He could damage his pretty face or something" she starts to ramble but I get up and leave the tack room and start heading home. In need to shower and get changed before going back to the hospital.

Secret POV:
Apparently, there's this stupid pathetic dance that will be happening on Friday night, which is just perfect for us. My partner can steal the horse and I can get the girl, and since everyone is dancing with the loud music, once they realize that they're gone, the horse will be going wherever it's going and Amber will get who and what she deserves.

But there's just one problem. Two actually. The boy, and the horse. My employer has met the boy before and it didn't go very well for either of them. My employer has also met the horse and the horse attacked him and broke a few of his ribs.

Maybe we can distract the boy, but the horse. Either we'll have to sedate it, or kill it.

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