Chapter 31

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Pin POV:
"Sam you have to believe me" I press. She didn't believe me when I said that I knew who took Amber but I don't know where she is. I was guessing somewhere very secluded and hidden, but how do you find a place that's hidden?

"Pin. You have no proof" Sam sighs and that was it for me. "Amber is in danger and if none of you are going to help her, then I'll do it myself" I mutter, walking towards the horses to get mine. I'll circle the island on foot it I have to. The wind blows toward the stables from the east and a loud neigh echoes.

I dart over to Sparrows stall to see her flipping out, bucking and rearing and snorting. I walk up to the door and try and gentle her but she once the wind blows again. She smells something. An idea suddenly popped into my head.

I dash to the tack room and grab Sparrows halter and lead rope and run back to her. I carefully try and slide her halter on and I clip the rope to it. I open her stall and lead her out. She pulls and starts prancing and rearing. I lead her to a paddock, my helmet already there. I put my helmet on and use the fence to jump on her back. She knows where Amber is.

Once I'm on, she takes off in a full gallop across the moors. I have the lead rope in my hand but it has a lot of slack in it, so it's just there for when I have to dismount and maybe tie her up. The only thing keeping me on her is my legs and I have a grip on her mane. I have no clue where she is going, but she seems to know.

We keep galloping on and on until we approach some abandoned looking place, however, there was a car parked outside and fresh tire tracks. Someone's definitely here. I dismount from Sparrow and throw the rope over her back. I doubt that she'll go anywhere.

I sneak inside and see nothing, but I do eventually find a flight of stairs. Sneakily, I tiptoe down the stairs to see two men. One is the photographer. Why is he here? And the's her father. The sick cruel man that caused her years of pain is standing over top of her weak body. Amber was obviously beaten and bloody and it looked like someone had cut her. Multiple times.

Another thing that I noticed was that it was freezing down here. I could almost see my breath and were in the middle of summer. I have to get Amber out of there but I can't take the two guys on alone. Quietly, I sneak back up the stairs and see Sparrow looking at me intently. Hmmmmm.

I pull out my phone and call the police, telling them exactly where I am. Now I wait. I have an idea but the two guys need to be scared out I have a feeling that they're going to run. I first find a sharp rock and pop their tires. That's one escape gone.

I have an idea for Sparrow. I lead her towards the opening of the building and halt her behind a corner. The sound of sirens echoes through the air and yelling from the basement is added. "You called them!" Ambers father yells. "No. No I didn't!. I wouldn't!" another male voice stammers before a gun goes off and someone screams.

I grab a stick and hide behind a pillar, waiting for the right moment. Chains rattle and it sounds like they're being dragged up the stairs. Amber. "I'm taking you somewhere where you'll never be found" he hisses. I hear Sparrow whinny and someone groan in pain and start yelling.

I peek out and see Sparrow standing over Amber, her nostrils flaring and her ears pinned. Amber was literally underneath her, looking terrified. Her father tried to take a step forward but Sparrow lunged at him, biting down hard on his arm. He cursed and pulled away and Sparrow resumed her position guarding Amber.

He suddenly drew a gun from his pocket and that's when I jumped in, swinging my fist at his face and hitting his leg with the stick, causing him to buckle and fall and me to grab his gun and point it at him. He looks up at me and spits out blood. "Well well well. Looks like your little boyfriend came to you rescue" he says and my grip tightens on the gun.

"Just shut up" I hiss, standing in front of Sparrow and Amber, the gun still raised. He smirks and suddenly swings at my legs, causing me to fall and the gun to go off, hitting the wall behind her father. I stand back up and guard Amber and Sparrow. "You've never even held a gun" he laughs. "Never to late to learn" I retort.

"Amber honey, tell your boyfriend to back off, we must get going" he says causing Amber to grip onto one of Sparrows legs and whimper in fear. "She's not going anywhere and neither are you" I yell. "We'll see about that" he smirks. Confusion and anger runs through my body and I throw a punch at him, causing me to drop the gun and him to start punching back. He hit me really hard on my jaw causing me to stumble back and him to pick up the gun and point it at me.

"Amber. Unless you want your boyfriend to have a bullet in his chest, I suggest you get up, tell your horse to back down, and come with me" he growls, not taking his eyes off of me. I was about to say something but Amber spoke up. "I'll go with you. Just please don't hurt anyone" she pleads, tears streaming down her face. Her father smirks at her and grabs her injured wrist harshly and drags her into his side, pressing his gun against her hip.

"Stay down" he orders, dragging Amber away. Sparrow rears but I grab her rope so she can't run. I don't want him to hurt her. I stand up and can feel the blood running down my face but I ignore the pain and throbbing. I am not letting her go with him. Not on my watch. I see him shove Amber into his car and his back was turned.

I took action and ran forward and jumped on his back, hauling him to the ground and grabbing his gun back and pointing it as his chest. "Police freeze!" Someone yells. I immediately drop the gun and back off as the police rush forward to grab Ambers father. I turn around and was about to help Amber out of the car when I heard people shouting.

I look back to see Ambers father with a gun pointed at me. Amber screamed and pushed herself out of the car just as the gun went off, making my ears ring loudly, yet I feel no pain. Instead, I see Amber on the ground with blood pouring from her lower right hip. The police immediately tackle and cuff her father, shoving him into the police car.

I drop to the ground and scoop a sobbing Amber up in my arms. "Hey, hey. Stay awake" I plead, tears threatening to spill. She groans. "It hurts" she whimpers. I nod. "I know, but you need to stay awake" I press, a deep seriousness in my voice. She shivers as I walk as carefully as I can toward the paramedics. "I can't do anything about that. I'm sorry" I say. Tears pour down her beautiful face, making my heart shatter.

Her eyes begin closing and I freeze. "Amber. Amber. Hey, stay with me" I try, beginning to run. The paramedics take her body from me, much to my protests and take her in the ambulance and slam the doors in my face. Sparrow stood by my side as they drive away, her head hung low as she watches the tears fall down my face.

"S-she'll be ok" I try and convince the sad mare. She has to be. I can't loose her. If I loose her, I loose part of me.

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