Chapter 19

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Amber POV:
I run to the hospital as fast as my legs can carry me, not caring that I'm running around the streets in my pyjamas at like 2 in the morning.

I push through the hospital door and go to the lady at the desk. "Hon. Are you ok?" She asks. I ignore her question. "Amy Lauren" I ask. She types on her computer. "5th floor, she's still in surg-" she begins but I run off to the elevator.

I impatiently pace in the elevator, negative and horrid thoughts multiplying by the second. The elevator dings and the doors slide open at a slow pace, aggravating me even more.

I push through the doors and walk into the hallway looking side to side, not quite sure where to go, I look to my left. Nothing. I look to my right and see doctors and nurses coming in and out of a room. That spikes my curiosity and I walk over to that room and stop one of the doctors that just came out.

"Is that Amy Lauren?" I ask. "Are you the niece?" He asks. I nod. "Yes, this is Amy" he says. "What happened?" I ask. "Looks like she got hit by a drunk driver" he explains. "Will she make it?" I ask. He looks at me before darting back into the room and closing the door behind him.

I let out a shaky breath and run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down. I sit on one of the chairs that are outside the room and wait.

I don't know how long I was waiting since every second felt like an eternity that I had to wait through to see Amy again. Why wouldn't she just drive home? Why wasn't she picking up her phone? Why was she walking the streets at night? How long has she been here?

I wish I hadn't put my phone on silent, that way, I would have seen the incoming call from the hospital and I could have gotten there sooner. It's all my fault. If I hadn't gone out with my friends and stayed home and kept my phone on, this never would have happened and I wouldn't be sitting in a hospital waiting for my aunt to get out of surgery.

I check my phone. 3:30. Ugh. I'm so tired yet I'm not tired at all. There's no way that I would be able to sleep at all so there's no point now. I stand up and start pacing back and forth in front of the chair that I was sitting in moments ago.

"Honey. You're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep that up" a nurse at the nurses station says. I look up at her, unamused by her humour and go back to pacing back and forth. I don't know how long I was pacing until my legs hurt and the door opened.

"She's alright. We're moving her to recovery" one of the doctors says as he walks out. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. They wheel Amy out of the room, IV bags, and multiple machines connected to her. It made my chest cave in and I sigh heavily.

The left side of her face was purple and blue with bruises and her eye was swollen. She had a neck brace on as well. Her left arm and leg were wrapped in a cast, so she was definitely hit on the left. She probably had a few broken ribs and her breathing was shallow.

They lead her to a separate part of the floor, me following and running to keep up with the doctors. At least she is alive. They bring her to her room and situate the bed how they want it before one of the doctors turns and looks at me.

"She may be out for a few more hours but we think that she will make a full recovery. It'll just take some time" he explains. I nod. "Thanks" I say, pulling up a chair and sitting back in it, leaning back and putting my feet up at the edge of the bed. I wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon.

Hours passed and there was no movement from Amy. Her breathing was shallow but it was there. The doctors said that she had a few broken ribs and that's why her breathing was like that.

I had also gotten a brace for my wrist, as the doctors said that I sprained it. I said that I was fine but they insisted on the brace, so now, my hand was wrapped tightly in a black fabric.

Doctors came in an out, checking on her condition and a few other things. "Honey, you can get some rest, she'll be ok" one of the female doctors said but I simply shook my head. "I'm not tired" I lie. I am tired, I just won't admit it.

She gives me a look before shrugging and walking away to tend to other patients. I sigh. Right now, all I want to do be at the stables either talking to the girls, riding Sparrow, or talking to Pin. I need something to take my mind off of all of this.

It was 6:30 in the morning. I would be getting up soon to go to the stables. Pin would have to do everything by himself this morning, and now I feel sort of bad, but, in my defence, he has been doing it alone up until I came back here, so I guess that he'll be alright.

Pin POV:
I had gotten up a bit later than usual so I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs and put my boots on. I fed the pony, but he didn't seem to want to eat too much. After tacking up my horse, I cantered off to the stables.

Once I got there, I had expected Amber to be there already but she wasn't anywhere to be seen and nothing had gotten done. I began doing everything and finished and still no Amber. I started to worry. This isn't like her. She should be here by now.

I see Sam walking around and I stop her. "Hey Sam, have you seen Amber?" I ask. She gives me a sad look. "What?" I ask. "Did something happen?" I ask, now getting worried from her expression.

"Uh. Last night, Amber had stayed here with the girls and they stopped the horse thief's from trying to steal Raven" she says. "What does that have to do with Amber?" I ask. She puts her hands up. "Relax. I'm getting there" she says. I sigh and wait for her to continue.

"Meanwhile, her aunt had been hit by a car. Amber took off this morning around 2 and no one has seen her since" she says, a sad look on her face. My chest caved in. Amy? Of all people, why Amy? She's so nice.

"Have you heard anything?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Nothing has been heard. Like I said. No one has seen her since" she says. I walk away. I'm going to the hospital to find my friend.

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