Chapter 27

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Amber POV:
By this point, I had maybe an hour or two before the dance and Amy kept bugging and bugging and bugging me that I started to get ready. I started first by going into the washroom and slipping my dress on. It was comfortable.

I step out and Amy starts squealing and I give her a concerned look. "You look amazing. So beautiful" she gushes causing me to blush deeply and my hair to fall in front of my face. "We need to do makeup!" She exclaims. I shake my head. "Hair first" I say. "Ohhhhhh. Even better she says causing me to roll my eyes.

I grab my hair necessities and head back to the washroom. "Is that my curling iron?" She asks. "And your blow dryer and straightener" I add sheepishly. "You're lucky that I love you" she says and I shrug. "I know" I say before drying and brushing my hair. "What should I do with it?" I ask.

"Do a half up half down" she says. I grab the curling iron and curl my hair into loose waves before grabbing a small hair tie and tying up a part of my hair. I loosen up some parts of my hair before spraying them with hairspray to hold them in position.

"That looks amazing! How did you learn how to do hair like that?" She asks. "When you work on a horses mane and tail, you tend to pick up on some tricks" I say. "What does that have to do with the way your hair is styled?" She asks. "I like to sometimes only design part of Sparrows tail" I explain causing her to 'oh' quietly.

"Now onto makeup" she says all jittery and such. "If you keep this up you're going to give yourself a heart attack" I warn. "Nah. I'm going to live forever" she claims. "You keep telling yourself that" I joke. "Now get your makeup bag. Hurry" she rushes me.

I groan and grab my bag. I need something to match my outfit. Since my dress is dark, I'll have to add some dark into my makeup. I run back into the room, open my bag and pull out my jewelry box. I have silver earrings and a matching necklace so I take them into the washroom with me, I also had a black and white bracelet I could wear. I know what I'm doing for makeup. (Pic above)

After my makeup was done, I finish with some eyeliner that by miracle was actually done nicely for once. I apply some sparkly lip gloss and some blush as a finishing touch before putting my earrings in and my necklace on.

Taking a deep breath, I turn off the light and leave the washroom. Amy's mouth opens like a fish once she gets a look at me. "You. Look. A-" she cuts herself off. "Amazing. Just like your mother" she adds, her eyes getting glossy.

"No. Don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry and I can't do that because it'll just make a mess of me" I say as calmly as possible. I grab my wedges and put them on as well before checking the time. I still have a half an hour. It took me over an hour to get ready? Wow. I didn't think that I took THAT long. Oh well.

While I'm waiting, Amy and I talk about random things, like when she was my age or when I was young and before me moved. Before I knew it, it was time for me to leave. I gave Amy a quick hug before grabbing my phone and sliding it into my black clutch bag with a shoulder strap and leaving.

I had made it to the stables in a short amount of time, despite the slightly uncomfortable wedges on my feet. The dance was in the barn, so that's where I went. "Welcome to pony prom" Zoe's little sister Rosie greets me with a big smile. There were already a few people here. Sam, Marcus, and some other riders.

"Hey Amber. So glad that you could make it" Sam says as soon as she notices me. She wore a fairly nice dress and light makeup. She looked good. "Yeah. The girls pressured me into it" I explain, casing her to laugh. "Yeah. That sounds like something that they'd do" she laughs, casing me to roll my eyes. I smile at her before walking away.

"Hey. Did you help with all this?" I ask Rosie and she nods. "Yeah. This place needed me" she laughs. "And I must say, you make simple look really good" she compliments causing me to blush. "Thanks. You too. You look amazing" I smile at her. "I know" she smiles, playing with her hair. I couldn't help but chuckle at her. She's such a diva.

I look over and see Zoe, Jade, and Becky walking in, all looking fairly nice, besides the fact that they're covered in dirt. "Hey. What happened to you guys?" I ask. "We caught the horse thieves" Becky exclaims. "What?" Sam asks.

Zoe starts to go into a description about what happened and how they stopped the horse thieves. Once they finished, I pulled them aside to fix their hair and to get the dirt off of their faces. "There. All better" I smile. They all hug me tightly. "I'm so glad you came" Becky exclaims. "Like I had a choice" I laugh walking away, which I almost immediately regretted.

I saw Pin waking in.....with Mia. Ok. That hurts. I look down and away and try to distract myself with something, anything else. Despite everything she's ever done and said to me, he shows up with her. Friends forever.

Pin POV:
Seeing the look on Ambers face made my heart sink into my gut. I wanted to pull away from Mia but her threat ran through my head and I forced myself forward with her.

"Oh don't look so miserable. I didn't buy you that jacket for nothing" she snips at me, causing me to roll my eyes at her. I didn't even want to look at Mia right now. Amber looked absolutely amazing in her dress. It suited her nicely.

All I wanted to do right now is wrap my arms around her and press my lips against hers and tell her everything that happened and why I walked in with Mia. Mia wasn't even paying attention to me. She was just staring at Marcus and glaring at Zoe. She just used me to get back at Zoe or to make Marcus jealous. Gee. That makes me feel great.

Cole(Secret) POV:
Today was the day. The day that my employer gets exactly what he wants. I was already on my way to the stables. The plan was simple. So unbelievingly simple, yet they won't see it coming. None of them.

My partner steals the horse while the dance was happening, and I do what I need to do to her stupid little horse to make her weep and sad, and that when I strike. I have everything I need and if I need to shoot her little boyfriend, then so be it.

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