Chapter 10

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Pin POV:
When Amber laid her head on my shoulder, I felt as if my heart stopped for a moment. I missed her all those her years and I knew that her father became a cruel man after Ambers mom died.

It wasn't her fault, yet he decided to take it out on her. I don't know what he did to her in those years that she was away from me, but I was determined to find out. She was stubborn but I know her well, and I know that eventually, if she really does care about me, she'll crack and spill everything.

I know that she just wants to protect me, especially since the last time she got caught with me, her father threatened and even tried to kill me. I know that it won't be easy to get her to open up, but it's worth a shot, and I'm willing to take that shot.

I look down at her and study her features. She still looked a bit like she did when she was younger. The same hair, the same facial features, and her eyes were still a beautiful green shade. The only thing that I noticed that was more out of sorts was a small scar under her right eye and she also had dark circles under her eyes. I wonder if she's been sleeping.

Her phone goes off in her pocket and she opens her eyes and sits up and I pretend that I wasn't staring at her for the past like 10 minutes. It looked like a text from someone, probably Amy. While she was checking her phone, I got a look at the time.

"Hey. Once you're done with that, we have to bring the horses in and out and clean up" I say. She looks at me and nods before responding to the text. I stand up first and offer to help her up. She takes my hand in hers and hauls herself to her feet.

We bring some horses in and she takes Raven out. He always liked her. Even as a foal he took to her, even though she wasn't always there. I guess that he figured out that she was just as broken as he was.

She helps me add shavings to the stalls and throw in some extra hay and fill up the water buckets more. "I'll see you tomorrow" she smiles, giving me a quick hug before walking off to say goodnight to Sparrow, offering her a treat, which she took. She kisses her nose before disappearing around the corner. I smile to myself.

I tack up my horse and grab the container of the oats, honey, and apple mix that Amber had brought to me earlier this morning and grab my helmet. I mount up and head home, trotting peacefully through the moors.

Suddenly, my horse darts away from a nearby patch of shrubs. I look around. I seem to be alone. I guide her towards the shrub and was about to dismount and check it out myself when a squirrel darted out from it.

I sigh to myself. Why was I so paranoid? I turn my horse around and begin continuing on my path when I look back and see something big maneuvering it's was out of the patch of shrubs. Strange.

I finally reach home and dismount and untack my horse and turn him out in the small paddock beside the crate. The pony will be going there if he ever gets better.

I take my helmet off and hang it up with my tack before taking the container of the treat Amber had mixed up and heading towards the crate where the pony laid.

When I looked in, my dad was there, trying to get him to eat an apple. "Any luck?" I ask, causing him to jump slightly and turn around. Once he realizes that it's me, he sighs. "Don't scare me like that Peter" he says. "And no" he adds, referring to my earlier question.

"Maybe he'll like this" I suggest, sitting down beside him and showing him the container. "Where did you get that?" He asks. "Amber" I shrug, opening the container and placing it near the pony's muzzle.

He sniffs it before his tongue darts out and he takes a mouthful of the sweet mixture. I smile. I make a mental note to thank her tomorrow.

"So what's going on with you and mystery girl?" He asks. I give him a confused look. "Nothing going on between us dad" I say. He looks at me more intently and eyes me more carefully, leaning forward. I give him a confused look and lean away. "What?" I ask.

"You don't want to be 'just friends' anymore" he smirks, causing me to roll my eyes. The pony snorts. "Yeah. You tell him" I say, taking the empty container from him. "Dad. Do we really need to be having this conversation right now?" I ask.

"I'm your father and you're only 17. Until you're 18 and have moved out, I can have whatever conversation I want with you" he says. I sigh. "Dad. She's just a friend and she wanted to help with him" I say, nodding to the pony that was searching the ground for something. Probably for more of the mixture.

"Suuurrreee" he says, patting my back lightly, standing up. "I'm going to go make dinner. I'll call you when it's ready" he says. I nod. "Thanks dad" I smile up at him as he walks away. "Oh, wait" he says returning and looking back into the crate.

I look up at him, waiting for him to say something. "Did something seem out out of sorts at all for you today?" He asks. "Like what?" I ask. "Like" he thinks for a moment. "If someone was watching you" he asks. I think for a moment.

"Actually, yeah. On my ride back here" I say. "Why? What's wrong?" I ask. "Just today, I thought I saw something or someone, and it felt as if whatever it was, it was watching me" he says. "Just, be careful. I don't want you to get hurt" he says. I nod. "I'll be careful. I promise" I say.

He nods before disappearing around the corner. Who would want to spy in on our likes? We're far from wealthy and I would think that to any normal person, that my dad and I have a pretty boring life. Nothing like this has ever happened.......until Amber came back.

Secret POV:
After some research and digging around, I found out more about the boy. His name was Peter but he preferred to be called Pin for whatever reason.

I had found out where he lives and had gone there and found some man there. I'm guessing his dad. I snapped some pictures of him just in case. I was going to be doing some more research tonight. About Peter and whoever this man was.

I even got some photos of Peter on his horse on his ride home, but thanks to some stupid squirrel, Peter got suspicious. As he drew closer and closer to my hiding place, I took my handgun out of its holster and waited. The squirrel suddenly ran out and Peter walked off.

I slipped my gun back into its holster and watch as he canters away on his horse. That's right Peter Hawthorne, you better run. 

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