Chapter 17

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Amber POV:
We all talked to Sam about the issue and she didn't believe us. Deep down, I knew that she wouldn't. We have no proof whatsoever, and Sam had told Zoe that if she sees her on the property again, she'll have to call her mother.

I felt bad for Zoe. All she wants to do is protect Raven and now she can't. We walk outside of the office and off the property to Zoe's house. "We need to think of something" I say.

Zoe looks like she has an idea. "Rosie is having a sleepover tonight, so why don't we have a sleepover of our own" she smirks. I give her a confused look. "What does a sleepover have to do with saving Raven?" I ask.

"We do it at the stables, we can sleep in the barn with all the hay. No one will know, it'll be fun" Zoe says. I let the idea bounce around in my head. It's not a terrible plan, but I have a feeling deep down that something bad is going to happen, and I don't know why.

"Sure" I agree. "We can all keep an eye on Raven while doing so then" I agree with her. "What about your mom?" Jade asks. "I'll say I'm going for a sleepover at one of your guys' house" she explains.

"Ok. So we'll see you guys tonight then?" Becky asks. We all nod. "Yeah. See ya" I smile at her before walking off. I haven't had time for a ride lately. I head to the tack room and grab my helmet before walking toward Sparrows paddock. Sparrow nickers at me once she realized me walking over to her in her paddock.

"Hey princess. You wanna go for a ride?" I ask. She nudges me with her nose. I smile and open the gate to let her out of the paddock and lead her to the arena.

I clip my helmet on before jumping on her back and urging her into a trot around the arena. Some jumps were already set up and I was eying them down as I urged Sparrow to canter around the arena.

Once we were warmed up, I approached one of the jumps and she soars over it. I carefully turn her and there was 3 jumps set up in a straight line. 2 naturals and an oxer. I think we can do it.

I turn her towards the jumps and we fly over the first one, then canter a stride, then pop over the next one, then 2 canter strides before flying over the oxer.

We land safely on the other side and I slow her down. "Good girl" I coo, rubbing her shoulder. "I'll never figure our how you learned to do that" a voice says. "Hey Pin" I smile, looking over to him leaning against the fence.

"What are you up to?" I ask. He shrugs. "I've just been wandering around the stables. Not much to do when everything's already clean" he says. I nod. "Guess so" I mutter.

"So I'm running out of the mixture, do you mind-" he begins but I cut him off. "Sure, just let me cool her out and give her a bath before me go" I say. He nods. "I'll wait for you by her stall" he tells me and I nod.

I cool Sparrow out and give her a quick shower before returning her to her paddock with a treat and a kiss.

I walk back to her stall and see Pin waiting there for me. "Lets go" I smile at him before starting to walk. We walk side by side before reaching Amy's place and I unlock the door and let myself in, Pin following.

"You're sure Amy doesn't mind this?" He asks. "She's at work. You'll be fine" I say as I take my boots off and walk to the kitchen. I open the first cupboard and pull out a bag of oats and set it out on the counter, then I open another cupboard and pull out a container of honey and set that beside the oats.

I open the fridge and pull out 4 apples from the crisper and place them on the cutting board. I grab a knife before cutting up the apples into small cubes. I grab a container and mix the apples and oats first before putting some honey in and mixing it all together.

"There you go. For your little pony" I smile, handing him the container. He smiles. "Thanks. This means a lot to me you know" he says. I shrug. "It's nothing really" I say sheepishly.

"Well, it may save the life of a certain pony" he says. "Hopefully" I say. "Hey. Do you want to do me a quick favour?" I ask. He shrugs. "Sure". "Run upstairs and grab my laptop please. It's on the desk" I say. He nods and disappears upstairs.

I wanted my laptop because I can track Amy's phone. She. Hasn't. Responded. To. Me. All. Day. And I'm starting to worry. I know it's an invasion of his privacy but I can apologize later.

He comes back down with my laptop and a small framed picture. He sets my laptop down on the counter before smiling down at the picture. I give him a confused look. He turns the picture around and shows it to me.

It was the picture of him and I with our horses and we were both covered in mud. I smile. "I remember this day. I'm surprised you kept it" he says. I give him a surprised look.

"Of course I did. It's one of the best memories I have of this place" I smile, remembering some of the more unpleasantness memories I had here. "And it was your fault that we were covered in mud" I say. He gives me a look. "No it wasn't" he defends.

I nod. "Yeah it was" I fold my arms over my chest. "It was your idea to go riding in the pouring rain, then the thunder spooked our horses and we fell in the mud" I say. He sighs in defeat.

I shove his shoulder lightly. "Don't beat yourself up. I had a great time that day" I smile

Secret POV:
Amy's phone keeps getting calls and messages from Amber. Awe. Poor little Amber is concerned about her aunt. I feel bad.

Not. My employer wants her back and my employer is going to get her. He said something to me that made me smirk. "It's the things that we love the most, that destroy us". And I've never heard anything so real.

Ha. Had to throw the hunger games in there. Sorry. I couldn't help it. Just letting you guys know that I won't be updating tomorrow. Sorry everyone. But I'll be updating Monday, but I just want one day to relax. Plus, I have a great idea for the story. Keep reading everyone. Thanks for all the support😘

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