Chapter 21

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Amber POV:
Some time passed by and Pin brought me my things, but I knew that he would have to go and help out at the stables. We said our goodbyes and I gave him one last hug before he walked out the door.

I plugged my dead phone in an sat back in the chair and placed my laptop on my lap. I opened it and decided to check and see if any of my friends had replied to me. Nothing. I sigh lightly before opening Netflix and signing into my account.

I wasn't sure what to watch so I just scrolled through a bunch of movies until I found one that interested me. I decided on watching pirates of the Caribbean, the curse of the black pearl. I love Johnny Depp. He's such a great actor and he really fits the role of the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow.

As I'm watching, doctors and nurses go past the slightly opened door, but there's one guy, and I've seen him go pass it multiple time. I swear that I've seen him somewhere before, but I can't quite figure out where, but I know that he looks familiar and that I've seen him before.

I try and ignore it, but it bothers me, so I get up and close the door, which relaxes my nerves a bit more. I continue watching the movie when I heard a gasp from beside me. I nearly flip my laptop off of my lap in shock.

"Amy" I gasp. She groans. "What happened?" She asks. "You were hit by a car" I say sadly. She groans. "This feels like bad hangover" she groans, a small, weak laugh escaping from her bruised lips. I smile at her. "You wish" I smirk down at her.

"So what are you doing here?" She asks, leaning more comfortably in the pillows. "If you thought that I was leaving you then you clearly don't know me well enough" I say, gently taking her hand in mine. She smiles up at me. "You can go, I feel fine" she says.

I shake my head and fake a hurt gasp. "I get that you don't want me but I've got movies" I smile. "Well, you can stay for the movies then" she smiles. "But, you have to find a way to get me popcorn" she says.

"Ha. No" I say, putting my laptop where we can both see it and replaying the movie. As she watches, I go up and get the doctor because I know that they'll want to ask check her while she's awake. I open the door and run into that guy that was walking back and forth in front of the room.

"Sorry" I say, walking past him to go and find the doctor. He grabs my injured wrist and I yank it away. "Let go" I hiss. "Sorry" he says before walking away. I watch him as he disappears around the corner before waving down the doctor and telling him that Amy was up.

We walk back to the room and I pause the movie as he checks her vitals and asks her a few questions. I sit back and watch and wait for him to leave, saying that he'll be back in about an hour for another check up. I nod and thank him before he walks out. 

I smile down at her and replace the laptop and play the movie again. Maybe halfway through the movie, she ended up falling asleep. I smile down at her and place the laptop back on my lap.

Another few hours passed and I went through more movies. To say that I was a bit bored and tired was an understatement. I was exhausted and bored out of my mind but there was no way that I was sleeping now. I had to stay awake in case something happened to Amy. I just couldn't sleep.

Pin POV:
I get back to the stables, Amber still on my mind. I felt bad for her. There's usually not people that I feel bad for because they complain about everything, but I truly feel bad for her. After losing so much, now this.

Once I finally reach the stables, I go and start to sweep the barn again, but my thoughts were interrupted by a horse whinnying. I walk over to the stalls and see Sparrow lying down in her stall. Horses always seem know when something is wrong. That's why my pony wasn't eating today. He knew.

I open the door and bend down to stoke her neck. She looks up at me before laying her head back down. I sit down and continue to stroke her face and heck gently. "She's ok" I mutter quietly to the gentle horse. "She'll be back, I promise" I smile down at her.

She looks up and nickers at me before smelling my shirt. I smelled like Amber because I hugged her. Sparrow continued to sniff me until she stood up and shook the shavings off of her body. I stand up. "Let's get you outside" I say before grabbing her halter and a lead rope.

I slide her halter on and clip her lead rope onto it, then I open the stall door and lead her out and to her paddock. "How'd you do that?" Someone asks. I look over my shoulder to see Sam.

"Do what?" I ask, confusion lacing voice. "I tried to get Sparrow up earlier but she was lying down and wouldn't move an inch. I was considering calling a vet" she tells me. I look over at Sparrow who was searching my pockets for treats. "She got up for me. You guys know that she misses Amber" I say. Sam nods. "How is she?" She asks.

I shrug. "She seems to be alright. She's tired though. You can tell" I say. "Well, I hope that her aunt gets better soon" she says. I nod. "Yeah. Me too" I say before walking and turning Sparrow out in her paddock. She looked at me and nudges my hand before walking off and rolling in a patch of grass.

Secret POV:
She was there. She wouldn't leave Amy's side whatsoever and when she ran into me, you could tell that she was confused and trying to figure out who I am. I grabbed her hand because I wanted to talk to her but I had grabbed her injured hand by accident, causing her to snap and pull away before walking away.

Girls got a personality. I like it. She's sassy. Really suits her but I never saw it coming.

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