Chapter 33

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Amber POV:
After a boring recovery in the hospital, I could finally go home. I still had a gunshot wound and a few broken ribs, so no riding for a while, but I'm stable and can walk around finally. I've been desperate to get out of that stupid bed. Amy had recovered already and visited me daily as much as she could. She was back to work so she was away for a bit.

Pin on the other hand, rarely left my side. He kept me company as hospitals are BORING. There's nothing to do. Amy had eventually given me back my laptop so that killed some of the boredom but still. I was dying to get back on my feet. I missed Sparrow so much and I had Pin bring one of my sweaters to the stable and keep it by her stall so that she at least has something that smells like me.

While I was stuck in the hospital, Marcus and Zoe had found Raven and found out that Sam was behind everything and that she had paid people to take him because the people that wanted him were willing to offer a real high amount of money.

I can't believe that Sam would actually do something like that, and now Mia's father, Elliot is taking over the stables. Usually, I would be displeased by this, but I think that Mia and I are finally getting along. We respect each other and each others opinions now, and hopefully it won't change.

Pin and I finally reached the stables. I don't know if we're actually dating now, but I do hope so. I really like him and I hope he likes me in that way as well. "Sparrow" I smile as we stand in front of her paddock. She comes galloping over, sliding to a halt and lightly hitting the fence with her chest.

I bring my uninjured hand up and rub her face. She nickers and starts licking my hand, causing Pin to laugh and me to make and 'ewe' sound, as it was kind of gross to be honest. "She really missed you" Pin mutters as I lean against him, taking pressure off of my injured side. My hip was healing, but it still hurt.

"How's your pony?" I ask after kissing Sparrows nose and walking away with Pin. "Actually, he's doing a lot better. He was up on his feet and grazing when my dad checked up on him this morning. He's been feeding him and now he seems to be doing so much better" he smiles. I sigh in relief. "What are you going to do with him?" I ask. He shrugs. "Don't know. May train him, or I may release him now that the horse thieves are gone" he admits. "I haven't decided" he finishes.

"He really seems to like you, plus, I think that your horse needs a friend" I explain. "What's happening with your dad?" He asks. "Prison" I say. He smiles at me. "I probably wouldn't be here right now if you didn't jump in and save me. Literally" I smile up at him. He shrugs. "Anything for you" he admits.

We reach the barn where Zoe and the other girls were standing. They all greeted me with warm smiles and hugs, which I returned as best as I could. But then I got the news that Zoe was leaving, as a car pulled up.

I really liked Zoe, and I don't want her to leave. She looked crushed. She was given an option to stay here, or to go back to LA with her family. Horse or family? I could have made that decision easily, but she had a much better life and family than I did, so I could only imagine the tough decisions that she had to make.

Also, on top of that, a car pulled up with a trailer behind it and a older woman stepped out claiming that Raven was hers and that her name wasn't even Raven. Marcus looked at the papers and frowned. I leaned against Pin for comfort and he seemed just as tense and upset at everyone else.

Sadly. Much to everyone's disappointment, the woman did have ownership over Raven, and Zoe ended up loading him into the trailer before dashing to her car with her family, tears streaming down her face. I watched in pain and sadness as her car pulled away and down the road.

Ravens owner hopped back in her car and Pin pulled away from me. I gave him a confused look but he smirked, as did I once I realized what he was doing. He went to the side of the trailer and pulled one of the pins lose, causing the door to swing open and Raven to burst out, galloping after Zoe's car, everyone here smiling and mentally cheering.

Zoe's car stopped and she jumped out. Raven slid to a halt and Zoe wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. I smiled to myself. She carefully led him back and his owners looked at him and then back to Zoe.

Long story short, his owner agreed to let him stay at BrightFields to be trained by Zoe, but that meant that Zoe had to make that 1 decision. She looked to all of us, and we all gave her a look. She knew where she was staying and where she belonged. We all knew what she was going to do, so I went up and hugged her gently.

She looked back at her parents and they sighed. They knew as well. We were all where we belonged.

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