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I felt awkward and completely unneeded as I stood up there on the podium. Alpha Cole stood hand in hand with his mate, Lyra, and our future Luna. I was happy for them of course, but I didn't miss the way everyone kept glancing at me, and the way Lyra smiled defensively as I made my way over them to give my gift and congratulations.

Since I was Delta, I was forced to stand on the stage along with all the other high ranking wolves. But I honestly would rather be anywhere but here, so I could avoid everyone's stares. When you're Delta, you're expected to mate with the Alpha if he didn't find his mate after he came of age. They had just been preparing both of us last week for us to mate, and then his mate showed up. I was thankful of course, but no one else saw that. They all probably thought I was extremely jealous of the future Luna. I wasn't though, I was glad I wouldn't have to do what she would have to.

When I was in front of them, I made sure I was still smiling, and handed them my present softly. Lyra took it, keeping her eyes on mine. I pursed my lips watching as Alpha Cole pulled on the ribbons. I had worked my butt off on this present, and in all honestly it was one of my prettiest works. The wrapped was torn away, revealing the white box. I held my breath, and my kept my gaze on their hands.

They opened it, and it revealed my work. Two wolves, a brown one and white one, their noses touching. Behind the the two, a huge weeping cherry tree spread out. Amongst the leaves and branches, there were several birds. In the tree's trunk were the words: "για πάντα ερωτευμένος." Meaning forever in love. Lyra gasped, a small hand covering her mouth and I saw tears shine in her eyes. My smile relaxed, into a real one, and I almost hugged her.

"Oh, yeah," I said, and pressed a button hidden on the tree trunk. A beautiful melody flowed out, the tune to the lullaby my nana used to sing to me when I was little.

Lyra smiled at me, and tears flowed down her cheeks. She handed it to Cole, and threw her arms around me, sobbing into the crook of my neck. I blushed, and awkwardly hugged her back. She held me out at arm's length, and laughed lightly.

"I never should've seen you as an enemy," she muttered quietly, making sure no one heard, "I can see from this, that you are amazing. Friends?"
I smiled, "friends."
"When we have a kid, I want you to make something for them," she whispered, hugging me one last time.

"Anytime Luna," I said softly, and dipped my head. I shook Alpha Cole's hand and walked back to my seat. But I stopped as shouts and roars filled the air. I turned around watching in horror, as hundreds of wolves flooded into the pack house. Alpha Cole shouted orders, as he shielded Lyra behind him.

My thoughts immediately went to my little brother, August, and without thinking, I jumped off the stage and shoved through the sea of bodies.

August! Where are you? I mind-linked him, shoving a russet wolf out of my way.

Don't worry! The Beta's son and daughter collected all the kids. Also Dane is with me! His reply was instant. I sighed with relief, and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. I glanced around to see if anybody needed help. My nose was overwhelmed with scents of all sorts of wolves, and I couldn't decipher an enemy from a pack-mate.

A black wolf snarled at me, revealing long yellowing fangs. I shrieked as it leapt for me. I dodged, and shifted the second I was out of harm's way. I winced at the familiar pinch of pain. I turned to the black wolf as it jumped for me again. I bucked my back up as he landed on top, smashing my spine into his soft underbelly. He grunted and fell off me, and I didn't waste anytime as I jumped for him. We grappled, and I kept trying to bite his shoulder, or anywhere.

Still! My father's voice rang in my head, and without question, I stopped wriggling and went limp. Seconds later I felt relief as he tore the wolf off of me. I sprung up and side by side, me and my dad advanced on the wolf. Before me or my dad could go for the kill, a wolf howled, and the black wolf howled in reply. He turned and fled, just like all the other wolves.

The wolves ran out, and I shifted back into human form. The smell of blood stung my nose, and I winced looking around. All of us froze as a roar of pain and fury shook the whole room. I turned towards the stage, where Alpha Cole kneeled over a bloodied body. I grabbed a blanket, and wrapped it around myself, walking closer to where he was.

I stared in disbelief when I recognized Lyra's scent. I tried to listen for the beat of her heart, but there was silence, besides Cole's gasping breath. I stayed still, moving aside, letting Beta John approach him. He crouched down beside him, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't even get to mark her," he sobbed, his large shoulders shaking, "I only kissed her once! And now- now she's gone! But I don't feel any pain, a-and,"

His voice dwindled, and Beta John sighed.

"Don't be mad at yourself, it's not your fault. You feel no pain, because you barely knew her and you didn't mark her."

Alpha Cole didn't reply, he just picked up her body, and turned to meet us. His icy blue eyes were blank, not a single emotion haunting them. His gaze ran over all of us, and he met mine, staring at me for a second before looking down at Lyra. Then he turned and walked outside to the backdoor. 

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