ClarityHowl Pack

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Winter was reluctantly ebbing away. By now, there was a visible bump on my stomach. Trees had buds on them and green grass poked up through the few clumps of snow that remained. Everything was becoming stressful. Our borders have been getting pushed on by rogues and the new pack, ClarityHowl. Wolves in the pack were acting up because of it, demanding we go to war with them. Someone started a petition and three hundred forty wolves out of the five hundred something signed it.

You'd think that Cole could just dump the petition because he's the Alpha of this pack, but since it's the majority, we can't ignore the matter. They could act on their own and there wouldn't be enough wolves to stop the rebellious ones, and it's not like he could execute over three hundred wolves.

"Maybe we should just go to war," Molly muttered, shaking her head.

"That would mean we'd be giving in to the lower ranked wolves!" Tommy argued, shaking his head.

"Well what else can we do? Demand they don't do it and try to fight them? They're bloodthirsty, they would willingly kill any wolf that gets in the way of their war, even a pack-mate." With that statement, an ominous silence filled Cole's office. I sighed and munched bitterly on the piece of bread. I hated meetings.

"Alpha?" Tommy asked softly. We all glanced Cole's way. Dark circles hung under his eyes and his hair was all over the place.

"I'll meet with Alpha Dier and demand he stops this right now," he said simply and stood up. He reached his hand out to me, and I took it. I could feel Molly and Tommy's eyes burning into our backs as we just walked away. I was tired, Cole was tired, and the pack was threatening to spill over the edge of the kettle. We could barely lead.

"Are we going right now?" I murmured, pulling on my sleeves.

"Yes, I want to get this over with and get everyone under control," he growled gruffly. He dragged us to the car, and threw the car aggressively into drive. I had a bad feeling in my stomach about this, but I didn't say anything. We had to confront Alpha Dier, even if I didn't want to.

The ride was uneventful, it was weird crossing over the border and immediately smelling the scent of an entirely different pack. Before ClarityHowl pack, we didn't share borders with anyone, just rogue land. The closest pack had been IceFur, and they were still an hour away.

I was shocked that we didn't even get stopped by border guards, it was quiet. Strangely quiet. I could smell Cole's uneasiness as we drove deeper into unknown territory. My claws were out, and senses on high alert. I was expecting an attack. We were nearly to the heart of the territory when wolves finally stepped out and confronted us.

The car stopped and I watched Cole open the door as a gray wolf approached him. He sniffed at him and his lip curled back in a snarl. Another wolf snapped at the gray wolf's neck, and he backed off. Cole told them to shift so they could have a civil conversation. The lead wolf, a red one, shifted, a woman shamelessly standing naked in front of him. The gray wolf shifted next, a young teen boy with glowing yellow eyes.

One of them nodded at me and everyone's eyes snapped towards me. I bravely met their stares with a glare of my own. I opened the door and stepped out, letting one wolf sniff me until satisfied.

"Why are you here?" The teen boy hissed, glancing between us.

Cole raised an eyebrow, "do you guys not have a problem with nudity here?"

"We're wolves, we're meant to be wild," the boy tossed his head. I scurried towards Cole and pressed tightly to his side. I was trying to keep eye contact with the two humans. The woman finally spoke up, shushing the boy.

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