Our Run

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When I got close enough he grabbed my hand and pulled me against him. I could feel his member pressing up against my private. I didn't have to look down or touch him with my hands, I could tell that he was big. Crap, it's going to hurt, despite my werewolf healing.

He pressed a soft kiss, surprisingly, against my lips. Then he pulled away, and with a wiggle of his eyebrows, turned around and jumped off the freaking porch. It's official, I'm mated to a lunatic. I ran to the railing and leaned over. I saw his dark brown wolf staring up at me waiting for me to come down. With a deep breath, I got up on the railing, and closed my eyes, and jumped.

I shifted mid-jump and landed on all fours next to Cole. Pain struck up my legs, but it disappeared quickly. Cole's wolf was definitely larger than mine, as expected. He pressed his snout again my ear, and licked me teasingly, before taking off in a full-on sprint. I pursued him, easily keeping up. I was trained with him, mind you, he wouldn't shake me off that easily.

We passed the training grounds, and several people looked up towards us and whooped. I nudged my snout into his shoulder, and then shoved past him, pressing myself harder. He growled lightly and jumped over a rock, once more taking the lead. I growled in return and chased him through the brush for a while.

I leaped on his back, tackling him to the ground. We tumbled, rolling over each other. I landed on top, and carefully pushed him down. I gave him a wolfy smile, before taking off on a run. He howled quietly after me, and I ran as fast as I could. I could hear his paw steps ringing loudly on the ground behind me. The leaves rustled and branches snapped.

He nipped at my tail, and pulled up beside me, and then ahead. He stopped right in front of me, and I ran into him. We fell down again, in a heap of fur and gasping breaths. The night air was cold and calm. It circled around us, a breath of heaven.

I rolled on top of him, staring down at his wolf. His eyes were hazel and blue, this wolf in charge. I took a deep breath, and stepped into the back of my mind, letting my wolf step forward. She met his wolf with excitement, yipping and nuzzling him with her muzzle.

They licked at each other as they greeted one another. They sniffed at each other and rubbed against one another. My wolf howled to the sky, and he joined her. Their songs were called out to the Moon Goddess far above. When my wolf finished, she pushed into a slow run.

The two ran side by side, they splashed through a stream, and over a hill, rolling down the other side. I watched quietly, she was happy, so happy. The two chased each other around, nipping at each other's tails and barking empty threats. They took off once more at a full sprint, pushing each other faster. When my wolf was in charge, we were even faster. Cole's wolf struggled to keep up as she burst around, full of childish energy.

They stopped in a clearing, looking up at the full moon. They howled again, tipping their heads up, two beautiful silhouettes in the moon's light. Stars speckled the sky, light dots on a dark blanket. Our two wolves fell down and lay next to each other for a long time.

My wolf backed away again, putting me in charge. I saw Cole's eyes change back to an icy blue. I stared at him for a while and cuddled into his side. He huffed and rested his head on mine. This was what paradise was. Happiness and love surrounding the whole area.

I'm sorry for not believing you, he mind-linked, I guess I was trying to purposely shove you away so I wouldn't get hurt nor would you. He looked at me and then suddenly shifted into human form. His arms wrapped around my wolf, and I gazed back at him. I willed myself to shift and listened to the cracking noise as my bones shrunk and snapped into place. I lay there, my naked body pressed against his.

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