The Fight

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After the ceremony, Cole and I walked around talking to everyone. It was just like Lyra's induction to being Luna. We accepted gifts, talked to people, and I got introduced to Alphas from other packs. The night went by in a blur. I got to meet Cole's sister, Lanie, although I already knew her before. She had left three years ago when she found out her mate was the Alpha King, Nicholas. I immediately liked her, she was laid back and bubbly. Next, to Cole and Alpha Nicholas, she was like a marshmallow.

I talked to her for a while, before Cole dragged me away once more to talk to his mom. Mel was crying and smiling. Talking about how glad she was about this. I wasn't sure if she was happy about us being together, or the pack being saved from losing an Alpha and complete chaos. Probably the ladder.

The night wore on, and we met several people from other packs, and I was tired I forgot their names mere seconds after they told me their names. It was almost midnight, and I wanted to sleep. It was a bit after midnight when Cole announced the end, and everyone slowly dispersed. We said our goodbyes, and then Cole led me upstairs.

I was so tired, I didn't even care when he led me into his room. I fell down on his bed, dress and all, and snuggled into the pillows and comforter.

"Wow, your bed doesn't even look that comfortable," I mumbled, "but it feels like I'm sleeping on clouds."

"It'd be better if you took off your dress and actually slept in pajamas," he stated. I turned to look at him and saw that he was already in sweats and no shirt. I blushed as my eyes roved over his chest and stomach. He didn't have a six-pack, no he had a fricken eight-pack. Suddenly, I wasn't as sleepy as I was before, I was wide awake as I studied him.

"Do you need help changing?" He asked with a snort, raising an eyebrow as I met his gaze. I blinked and was about to shake my head before he helped me sit up. He kneeled down and reached down taking off my socks. He blinked at them in surprise but didn't make any comment.

As he reached behind me to untie and unzip my dress, I suddenly remembered what Molly said. "It's tradition for them to mate right after the ceremony." I may have been able to fake that I was fine with getting marked, but mated? I didn't have the guts or even the energy. I reached up and lightly pushed him away.

"I can change on my own," I said weakly, and stood up, walking into the bathroom. As I was about to close the door, he threw a large T-shirt at me and basketball shorts. I changed and wiped away my makeup, and took out my hair.

I walked out and didn't see him anywhere. The balcony doors were open, and I could smell his scent wafting in. I would've walked out and talked to him, but I felt awkward after what had just happened. I laid down in bed, and pulled the comforter over my head and coaxed myself to sleep.


Morning came quicker than I wanted. I woke up, startled, sore, and completely confused as to where I was. I blinked, and then recognized Cole's room and remembered what happened last night. Cole was lying in bed, with his back to me. I studied him for a second. His hair was falling into his eyes, and he was snorting quietly in his sleep. I laughed when I noticed there was a retainer in his mouth. He looked so stupid, but adorable at the same time.

I snapped out of my daze and slapped my cheek. What are you doing? I asked myself. You did say you would come to love him, even if he wouldn't love you back. It seems you're already starting, my wolf replied almost immediately. I was honestly shocked that she was talking to me. All last night she had ignored me, pissed that I chose Cole over our mate.

I got ready and wandered downstairs to the kitchen. Mel and several of the servants were bustling around, and everything smelled amazing. I smiled and walked over to the fridge to get some milk. I got several "good morning Luna"s and bright smiles, and dipping of heads. I took a piece of bacon off a plate and groaned as I put it in my mouth.

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