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          The guards went to go fetch Tristan upon Cole's orders, and through mind-link Cole ordered all of the pack to the main room in the pack house. We stood up on the stage together, hand in hand. I watched as all the wolves walked in. I saw my brothers, Dane and August, walk in, and both waved at me. I returned the gesture discreetly.

Once everyone had arrived, there were silent whispers as they shifted on their feet and watched us, waiting for someone to say something. Cole cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"Today we are here for the punishment of one of the warriors from IceFur pack," he said, "for the past three days he's been here he has disrespected both me and your Luna."

Cole nodded to the guards, who held a seething Tristan. His brown eyes met mine, and I saw the murder in them. I stared blankly at him, trying to fight the smirk that pulling at my lips. This idiot had it coming. The guards shoved him on the ground in front of us, and I stared down at him quietly.

"Do you have anything to say?" Cole asked, tilting his head. Tristan glared at him but said nothing.

What's our agreement? Cole mind-linked.

I'm not good with punishments, I replied.

Twenty lashes?

Uh, sure.

"Tristan, me and Luna Gemma, have agreed to give you twenty lashes, ten for every time you disrespected us. If we sit it fit, you will be getting more lashes," Cole said, and then grabbed him by his upper forearm, and pulled him to his feet.

The guards came up and took him, leading him outside to the whipping grounds. I watched them drag him away, and he didn't even say anything. Cole placed his hand on the small of my back. He smiled at me kindly and rubbed my back. I blushed nervously.

"I don't want you to see this," he whispered in my ear, still rubbing my back. I pulled back and gripped his hand, shaking my head. I'd seen war before, I could deal with a whipping.

"I'm Luna, I'll be doing this someday with the females," I said simply, "I'm going to be there."

We walked out, and I looked up at the sky in dismay. It was a gloomy gray, and the sun wasn't anywhere to be seen. Just the perfect day to be whipping someone, I thought sarcastically. Cole walked up to Tristan, taking the whip from the guards, and I stayed in my place watching silently.

He sat on his knees, his head bowed. The guards had managed to tear off his shirt, and I watched quietly as Cole walked over, whip in hand. As a test, he whipped the leather piece in the air. Everyone watched as it arced

Cole tested the whip at first, lashing the strand of leather into the air. It arced through the gray sky, the silver chip on the end flashing. I could feel all the wolves standing behind me shift nervously just at the thought of getting hit by that silver piece.

"You need to learn respect," he said, and the whip rushed forward, hitting his back. No sound came from the boy as he kept his head bowed.

"Never be rude to an Alpha." Another...

"Or a Luna." Another...

Two more, "even if they are not your Alpha or Luna."

"Even if you are mad." Another...

"Bitter." Another...

I zoned out as Cole did the last seventeen lashes. I stared at the landscape around us, the gray sky twirling above us and the grass fluttered around. Somewhere in the distance, birds chirped loudly, calling out to each other. The wind blew harshly, and thunder rumbled. M

My gaze shifted back to Tristan, watching as the whip struck down like lightning. Blood dripped down his back, flesh hanging off in strips. By now he was crying out, shaking fearfully as he awaited the next whip. Cole finished, backing away and handing the whip carefully to the guards. They took it and walked away.

He turned to me, his wolf's hazel eyes staring at me. He walked towards me and wrapped an arm around my waist, and we walked away. I didn't look over my shoulder to see how Tristan was, I already knew the state he was in. We walked by people, all their faces a blur. I saw Molly standing there quietly, dipping her head.

We walked into the pack house and into our room. I looked out the window as the rain started to fall. It splattered against the window and house, making a loud noise. No one had bothered to help Tristan, he still knelt there, his hands tied to the pole. Blood pooled around his feet, and I could see his whole body shake with labored breaths.

"It's getting late, you ought to go to bed," his voice was husky and cool as he walked up beside me. He looked to where Tristan was, and then shut the curtain. He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me away.

I walked into the closet and changed quietly, pulling the clothes over my head. I stared at myself in the mirror, my body was changing because of the mate bond. My hips were slightly bigger, the little bit of fat on my stomach nearly gone, and more curves filled in areas where I had been flat. I pulled on one of Cole's shirts without a care and didn't bother to put on pants.

When I walked out I was greeted by a shirtless back. I studied the way his muscles twitched. He was bent over, pulling down his pants. I blushed, and walked over to our bed, and laid down. I could hear him sniff the air, and feel his gaze on my bare legs. My face warmed up and I struggled to keep my cool.

I heard his footsteps near me, but they didn't register in my head until his hand dragged down my arm. I tensed up, but relaxed when his hand just stayed on mine. His other hand played with my hair. I glanced at him over my shoulder, and he smiled lightly.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He asked, looking down at me.

I smirked, "I don't need you to tell me I am because I know I am."

I was shocked at my own confident words. Normally my reply would've been a really dumb, oh, thanks. Is the mate bond also changing my attitude? It was definitely giving me confidence boosts.

A smirk formed on his face, and he leaned down, placing one knee on the bed. He leaned over me, his nose brushing mine. I stared up at his blue eyes and glanced down at his lush pink lips. I was pretty sure his face was moving closer.

I saw it though, the flicker of doubt and hesitancy. I could feel him tensing to move away, and without thinking, I took charge. I grabbed the back of his head and brought his face down to mine, kissing him softly.

To say the least, it was fricken amazing. His lips were soft and warm. He moved them expertly, pressing tightly against me. It wasn't my first kiss, I was no virgin to anything, but it made me forget every other kiss from before. His tongue flickered out, and I immediately granted him access. His tongue explored my mouth, and we both got a good taste of each other. Sparks were covering my whole entire body, and I didn't even care when he straddled my hips.

We continued on, and my hands started to slip up his shirt. He suddenly pulled away, and without a single word, he got off me and walked out. I sat up, staring at him in confusion. Hurt hit me like a boulder and I laid back down, pulling the blanket over me quietly. 


I have officially finished this book, so I will be posting more often now! Yay, this book is pretty short (sorry bout dat y'all) so it might all be posted in two weeks or three. 
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