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I knew Cole had done something. What? I didn't know, the only thing that I could think of was that it was highly stupid. I had heard him when I had been... in a different world. I could tell he was talking to someone, but I couldn't tell what it was about. I only made out a few words. I worried that he made a bargain with someone. If he thought he could break the bargain, then he was stupid.

I wished that I could read his mind and see what he wasn't telling me. I wished that the mate-bond gave us the chance to do that. You'd think that the mark on my neck would do that, but it didn't. It only showed other males I was his and created the bond between us. I wondered if there was anything else. Females weren't able to mark males, the Moon Goddess had made it that way.

Despite whatever suspicious thing that Cole did, everything was fine. My wounds had healed and the feeling returned to my arm. Apparently the knife completely destroyed some special tendon or whatever, and my arm would've been paralyzed. The baby was fine, and the only sign of damage was the scars. The baby wasn't even showing signs of trauma.

When Doctor Leet did the ultrasound, we found out that the baby was a girl. And a boy. And another girl. I was having triplets. Apparently my grandma had been a triplet, so it was in my genes. I had been close with my grandma, but she never told me that. We were ecstatic, though I nearly fell over thinking about three toddlers in the house at once. That would suck, a lot.

I loved children and babies, but I never said I loved toddlers. They were just complete and utter nightmares. It's like they made it their duty to terrorize everyone they meet. When I was younger, I would help in the daycare, and I always got stuck with the toddlers the first time. After that I always made sure I got older kids, and avoided the evil little mites at all costs.

Molly immediately made it her mission to tease us. She had smirked, saying something about how we did it so many times that we ended up with three eggs. I had knocked her upside the head and said that's not how triplets work. Then she got all sassy and told me to describe it. I said it simply.

"The sperm breaks into three, and fertilizes three eggs. Then you have triplets. Boom!"

Molly never brought it up again after that when she realized that I actually paid attention in health class. She didn't want to know any other disgusting facts.

I sighed as my thoughts battered me. We had to meet the Luna of ClarityHowl and Cara. This time we were meeting in our territory, because we couldn't rely on them not to ambush us again. Cole had wanted to do the same thing that they did to us—to let them know what it felt like—but I had managed to convince him not to.

"Are they almost here?" I asked one of my bodyguards. These guys were new too.

His eyes glazed over as he contacted one of the border guards.

"Just crossed over," he confirmed. Both of them glanced down at me, and I huffed, crossing my arms. These guys were so annoying. They took their jobs way too seriously.

On cue, a black Cadillac came into view. Wolves from our pack surrounded it, snarling as it slowed to a stop. We had decided not to host this meeting at the pack house. We were at one of the nicer houses farther out in the territory. I watched as the doors opened, and Luna Jane stepped out, her lip curled up into a sneer and green eyes shining with defiance. Cara followed nervously, keeping her eyes on the ground.

Cole had told me to greet them and then I would lead them into the house, where he waited. I met Jane's gaze as she marched over the gravel towards me. She stopped several feet in front of me and I could feel my guards stiffen.

She sneered, "I'm shocked you're alive after that event."

"It would take a lot more than that to kill me," I smiled at her. Of course, it wouldn't. I practically was dead, but Cole did something. Something that he refuses to tell me because it's unimportant.

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