Mine is Yours

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There was something about knowing I was pregnant that made it official. I was a mother now, and not just to the pack. Cole and I talked about what we would name our child. If it was a girl I wanted to name her Emiliana and Cole wanted Adelaide. For a boy I wanted Killian and Cole wanted to name him Dylan after his grandfather. The two of us would banter pointlessly for a while, and ending up laughing and hugging at the end.

"Why should we name him Killian?" Cole argued, "with Dylan were naming him after someone. What about Killian?"

I frowned at him, "my first pet was named Killian."

"You had a pet once?" He asked.

"It was a ladybug I found and put in a jar... it died a day later," I explained awkwardly. Molly burst into laughter.

"I remember that," she sighed. We both glanced at her and then at each other.

"What should we name the baby?" I queried. She shook her head.

"Call it Killian Dylan or Emiliana Adelaide or whatever," she snorted, "I don't care, it's not my kid."

"Fine," Cole sighed, and ruffled my hair, "I have paperwork to do and give to Alpha Nicholas. I love you."

"I love you too."

He walked up the stairs to his office, and I sagged down in my chair. I rubbed my hand over the small bump on my stomach. I was seven weeks. We should name it after me, my wolf yipped and I rolled my eyes. Yeah? I thought your name was Gemma, I snorted. My wolf growled as she wagged her tail. She had become restless ever since we found out. She paced repeatedly in my mind, muttering to herself.

No, my name's Bone, she said indignantly. Not naming my kid Bone, I replied. I stood up and stretched. I picked up the trash from the couch and threw it away. I walked to the window again. A blizzard had just swept through, stopping the training. Four feet of hard packed snow piled up to the window. There wasn't a sign of life out there.

I sighed and walked away. The pack house was empty, only a few wolves here and there. The white walls stood out against the dark wooden furniture. The blood red rugs rustled as I walked over them, and the paintings of the past Alphas watched me as I walked down the halls. I paused at the last picture. Cole's father.

His blonde hair was cut short and dark brown eyes stared out at me in disdain. Lanie's eyes, except unlike his, hers held joy. My thoughts drifted slowly to Lanie. She had always been in a role model for me. My motivation. She stayed strong through everything and always laughed. She had kept her promise to me—from all those years ago—and stood strong. I smiled lightly, wondering how she was doing. She was pretty far in her pregnancy now.

Come to my office, Cole mind-linked me. I jolted, my heart beating rapidly, and then looked up the stairs. I quickly rushed upstairs and to the door of his office. He was rubbing his eyes, grumbling quietly under his breath. I walked in and sat down in the chair opposite of him. This place reminded me of when me and Cole agreed to become one. I blushed fiercely, other things had happened in here as well.

"What did you need?" I asked softly, leaning forward on my elbows. He groaned, and tipped his hand back.

"I need comfort," he mumbled. I chuckled and stood up walked towards him. I wrapped my hands lazily around his neck and leaned against his back.

"What's up?" I murmured, and looked down at the paperwork.

"Rogues. King Nicholas needs a report on how many we run into on the border. He fears that there are more than we think, and that they're banding together." He glanced down bitterly as he picked up the pencil and continued writing. Was this the war the Oracle was talking about? I wondered.

I sighed, and rested my chin on top his head. I don't know how he does this. I found it hard and I was just sitting and watching. I kissed his hair and rested my head back down. I didn't know how I could help him, besides stand here and be moral support.

"Do you think there will be war?" I queried.

"I don't know," he muttered, my heart thundered as the lie fell from his mouth.

"You do," I said softly, and spun his chair around so he faced me, "tell me, Cole. Your problems are mine and mine are yours."

"Yes, and we're having a baby," he muttered the words, and brushed a hand over my belly, "it's just all terrible timing. What if they get you?"

"I know you won't let them," I murmured and kissed him.

He pulled me onto his lap, and buried his face into my breast. He sighed in despair and held me tighter. I ran a hand through his hair and patted his back. We can get through this, I mind-linked. He nodded and pulled his head away. He stared at the mark on my shoulder and neck, and kissed it slowly. I shuddered as sparks flared down straight to my core.

"I know a way we could solve it right now," he muttered, and looked up at me through his lashes. My whole frame burned.

"Oh? And what is that?"

He smirked as his lips captured mine.


The next day, I woke up to the sound of running water and a blinding light coming from the balcony windows. I groaned and rolled over, throwing the covers over my head. Stupid sunlight.

I kept trying to fall back asleep but couldn't. The light was persistent and only got stronger, and even managed to infiltrate my burrito of blankets. With a grunt, I threw the covers off and slipped out of bed. Cold hit me and I shivered and pulled my robe over my nakedness.

The robe covered everything, so I went downstairs to retrieve breakfast. Only Molly was in the kitchen, stuffing waffles into her mouth at an unnatural speed. She looked at me and nearly choked as her laughter boiled from her. Once she had managed to swallow, she sent me a coy smile.

"I was wondering last night, if you only know one word," she teased.

"And what word is that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I poured myself a mug of coffee.

"Cole!" She said in a shrill voice, and my face fumed. Holy Moon Goddess, everyone probably heard us.

"Oh my gosh," I muttered and sat down, rubbing my brow, "this is so embarrassing."

"Yeah, the house even shook. Can't you take it down a notch?" She snorted, propping her feet up on the table. I glared at her.

"When you have a mate you'll understand," I muttered, and aggressively took a sip of my coffee.

Molly quieted down, though she still had a rather triumphant smirk on her face. I sank down and sipped at my coffee hesitantly. Sunlight was pouring in through the windows, despite it being winter. The snow sparkled as the light reflected off it.

Cole came downstairs, his hair freshly cleaned. Molly didn't say anything to him, her smirk just grew wider as she raised her eyebrows at me. My hand made a vulgar gesture at her and she mockingly gaped at me. He walked over to me and kissed my temple. He stole a waffle from Molly and shoved it in his mouth, walking out of the kitchen.

"How rude!" She gasped, crossing her arms. I gave her a sweet smile and stood up.

"Rude indeed!" I gasped right back.

I followed Cole back to his office and sat down in the chair, watching him work. He didn't look up and acknowledge me, he just glared at the piece of paper in front of him. When he finally looked up, he gave me a tired smile.

"Still have to finish the rogue work?" I asked.

He grunted, "yeah."

"Well, if you need help, I'm here. Remember, this is our pack and every problem you have to sort out, I have to sort out too," I murmured. He smiled at my words, his white teeth shining. He glanced up at me again, and winked.

"I love you," he said softly.

"I love you more." 

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