It's Time

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++It's Time++

10 months later...

"You know that he'll never accept me! He's broken and gone!" I said, exasperation leaking out of my words.Me, my parents, the old Beta, John, Beta Molly, and Alpha's Cole mother all sat in the small office, talking about the one thing I dreaded most: mating Alpha Cole.

"Dear," John said softly, "Cole needs someone to stand by his side, and he needs an heir to take the throne. It's almost been a year since the Luna died, and if he can only mark a female a year after his mate dies, or else the Moon Goddess takes away his ability to have a mate. Then he'll only live up to six years and die. You need to do this."

"Can't he just knock up any girl, and then we're good?" I huffed, crossing my arms.

"The Council won't accept a bastard pup as an Alpha for any pack. You know that. Neither will the pack and without a true heir, chaos will erupt," he sighed, twiddling his thumbs.

I frowned and looked out the window, staring at the October sky, and then looked at all of them, meeting their gazes. It was Mel's sad blue eyes that made me crack. I couldn't imagine how she felt, watching her son break and the pack slowly fall apart.

"What about Cole? How do we even know that he'll accept?" I mumbled, staring at all of them.

"I talked to him yesterday," Mel spoke up, staring at me, "he said he understands what he has to do. But I can tell he won't make the first move, you'll have to talk to him."

I sighed, and stood up, looking down at my outfit. I looked fine, I left the office, keeping my head up. I and Cole had grown up together, actually, we all had had. Me, Cole, Kierra, and Tommy, the Gamma's son, we were all close, I should be able to talk to him without any fear. Though we were always awkward around each other because there was the fact the two of us might be something someday.

I knew that he would be in his office, he barely left it ever since Lyra died. He worked like it would save his life, and sometimes I was pretty sure it did. I knocked on the door quietly, listening as I heard a rummaging noise, and footsteps making their way over towards the door. It opened, and I found myself coming face to face with a girl I didn't know. Shiny pin straight black hair hung down her back, and brown eyes bore into my soul.

"Uh- hello," I said, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Who are you?" Her voice was full of venom and annoyance. I raised an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I said, and then shook my head, "Look, I need to talk to Alpha Cole, it's something... uh, important."

"Who's at the door, Kelly?" His voice drifted to my ears, and I glanced over her shoulder. He was sitting at his desk, with a look of sheer boredom on his face.

"Nobody important, Cole!" She chirped, a smile flashing on her face. First name basis, huh?

"That's Alpha Cole to you!" He barked, and her smile vanished. Nope.

"It's Gemma!" I called.

"Let her in Kelly, stop blocking the door like an idiot!" He snapped, and I smirked as she in annoyance and let me by. I eyed him carefully, and couldn't deny that he was a gorgeous man. Thick dark brown hair fell across his forehead, and icy blue eyes contrasted with his dark hair. He flicked a hand, and I heard Kelly walk away with a huff.

"Who was that?" I asked, smirking slightly as annoyance flashed on his face.

"A nuisance," he grumbled and rubbed his eyes, "my mother sent you?"

"Yeah," I said softly, and sat down in the chair across from him, "so..."

"Before we start anything, I want to make sure you are on an agreement with me. This isn't about love, it's about an heir and appearance. In front of the pack, we're both happy, alone, we don't have to pay any attention to each other. If you agreed to this, expecting to be loved, then you will be disappointed. You are just a woman that will carry the next Alpha. Now, what am I to you?"
I paused, trying not to let the frown of disappoint show on my face. I'll be with you for the rest of my life, rejecting my mate, and you expect me not to want to be loved? I looked up and met his gaze as he waited for my answer. I tried to think it over.

"My Alpha," I started slowly, "a man that I'm just with for the pack's sake."

He nodded, clearly satisfied. He ran a hand through his hair and looked down at several papers on his desk. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, and I played with my hair, trying to figure out what to say. I already wasn't happy, and the arrangement hasn't even started yet. I opened my mouth and then shut it again, and frowned.

"Because the pack clearly goes before my happiness, I have to reject my mate, my other half, for the pack. The pack, because the pack is the only thing that matters apparently. My happ-"

He sighed, "Gemm-"
I cut him off and continued, "My happiness doesn't matter because as Delta the only thing I should care about is the pack. I have to give up thing, a loving mate, a happy family, and a bright future, just so you can have your child."

"Gemma!" He snapped, his voice rising, and hands slamming down onto the desk. Though I should've been scared, because he was an Alpha, and stronger than me, I was only more frustrated.
"Don't 'Gemma' me!" I snarled, standing up, "don't you realize that I'm giving up my whole life so you and the pack don't fall apart? If you want this arrangement to happen, I deserve to be at least slightly loved! You don't have to love me right away, but don't ignore me! We can hang out, and get to know each other, and maybe we can come to love each other!"

I finished and sat back down. Angry tears were overspilling from my eyes. I was so mad, and I was disappointed. I expected more from him, but I guess that was a dumb idea. He didn't reply, and I just sat there in the chair, my hand covering my face. I sniffed and wiped my nose on my sleeve. I stood up and walked to the door, I opened it and turned towards him.
"Look, I know you've lost your mate, and you feel broken and gone. But, I'm here, and I am willing to love you and fix you. I don't expect you to love me, but the least you can do is give me some liking."

I closed the door and walked away from the office. Honestly, I was feeling very proud of myself. I won't let him walk all over me, I was going to fight for what I want. 

Yeaaaah! Chapter 1! That's really all I have to say. I honestly don't what to say or anything, I'm just a very awkward human being here trying to casually make this chapter long. Heh what? Pfffffffftttttttttttt, its not that short. 

Okay, it is. But you never heard me say it. I hope you enjoyed!

*~* Luna!

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