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After that night Cole never came back to bed, and I woke up alone. It's been nearly two weeks now, and it feels like Cole is avoiding me. We still talk but the conversations normally go something like this:

"Hey, how are you?"


"That's good, I'm great in case you were wondering."


"Yeah, well I'm going to go train now, join me if you want."


I felt so lonely, and it was taking a toll on both me and my wolf. Of course, my wolf wasn't whining and crying, she was just being a butt. She never shut up, she was always talking about ways to get back at him. It was also annoying because Tristan clearly saw what was going on, and would smirk at me smugly and go wander off with some girl. He even hooked up with Molly and it pissed me off, but I guess it was my fault for not telling her that he was my mate. I wasn't mad that Molly had gone off with him, I was mad that he had purposely went for my best friend.

I closed my eyes and focused on the punching bag in front of me. Screw Cole and all that. I would love to screw Cole, my wolf interjected, and I frowned. I brought my fists up, and lunged forward, hitting my fist into the bag with all my might. It swung, and I brought my leg up, and round house kicked the bag. I hit the bag again, and again, and again. Taking out everything on the beaten up leather bag.

My knuckles were bleeding, but I didn't care. I jabbed at the bag several times, using my leg when necessary. I snarled and my claws elongated, and I dragged them down the side of the bag. Large claws gouges stared at me shamefully, and the bag's insides were falling out.

I glanced down at my ripped open knuckles, and watched as my werewolf healing took over, and they immediately closed up. I licked away the blood and wiped my hands on my pants. Let's go for a run! My wolf encouraged, and with a sigh, I stripped of my clothes and shifted. My bones cracked and enlarged, and I stood in my wolf's skin.

I burst into a run, pushing through the door with my nose, and out into the woods. I pushed myself harder and ran as fast as I could. The wind blew through my fur, giving me a sense of freedom. I tumbled and rolled in the dirt.

I laid on my back, staring up at the canopy of green leaves. I rubbed my shoulder blades in the dirt and grass, lifting my paws in the air. I eventually got up, and tried to shake the dirt and grass off my pelt. When it didn't, I went in search of a stream or river.

I came across a small stream, and fell into it, rolling around. I managed to rub off all the muck into the water, and stood up, shaking off the water. I stared at myself through the reflection the water was giving. My light brown fur was getting thicker, preparing for the winter soon to come. The white socks on my legs were speckled with a mix of brown, gray, and green.

I'm depressed, my wolf muttered suddenly, and I felt myself agreeing lightly. I was too, no matter how hard I tried to deny it. Most of the day, I missed Cole, and was over-exerting myself just so I could attempt to forget about him, and not mope around.

I sat there, and noticed the silence around me. The wind had stopped blowing, there was no rustling or flapping from any small birds, and only the stream trickled. It only made me feel more lonely. Even all of nature had abandoned me now. I laid down, resting my chin on my paws. Exhaustion pulled at all parts of me, and I sighed through my snout, snuggling deeper into my paws, and closing my eyes.

I woke up with a jerk, looking around. I had shifted back into my very naked human form. I immediately noticed that I was no longer in the woods. I sat on a large rock among many others. When I stood up, my feet sunk into some black sand littering the ground around me. I sniffed the air, and smelled salt. I was at a beach.

It was nighttime now, and the full moon stared down at me. I stared back up at it, and grumbled, walking away. If the Moon Goddess was trying to say something, she should know to do it better.

"Is anyone out here?" I called, bringing my hands up to my mouth. My voice echoed out into the distance, and no reply rang back to me.

I walked along the shore line, watching as the salt-water crawled up the sand and tickled my toes. This was too eerie for me, I was waiting for a killer clown to jump out at me from one of the rocks, and tear me into miniscule pieces. The water, despite moving repeatedly, was extremely quiet and didn't make a single sound as it lapped at the beach.

"I swear!" I snorted, "what's the point of this? Nothing is happening!"
"Would you shut up already?" A voice snarled right back at me.

I flinched, and met the gaze of a girl around my age. She sat criss-crossed on a rock, her brown skin shining in the moonlight. Her beautiful brown eyes were narrowed, glaring at me in anger.

"Where are we?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow, "we are near the beginning of the Moon's realm."

I frowned, and looked around skeptically. Really? I wondered, you'd think it'd be a bit more pure and white, not so black. I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly remembering that I was naked. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened them and they glowed white, I shrieked, falling back.

A weird feeling, like something was pulling at me, grabbed at my stomach. I felt sick, and nearly keeled over and let out of my insides. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from doing so, and stumbled away from the African girl. I tripped on small rock, and fell back, hitting my head against another rock.

I woke up in the forest, blinking rapidly and gasping. My head hurt, and I reached back, and found blood there. This couldn't be real. Had I really been near the Moon's realm? Had she summoned me?

I dunno, my wolf dumbly answered, but I can tell you one thing: that was freaking scary. I couldn't agree more, I always thought the Moon Goddess was a sweet being. But seeing that realm, just made me wonder, how vicious was this higher being that we worshipped?

I got up, and ran back to where I had been working out. I pulled on my clothes quickly, and then rushed to the pack house. I wished our pack had an Oracle so I could talk to her about this. Oracles were wolves with the ability to talk to the Moon Goddess and have dreams about the future. There were only three right now, one in BloodClaw, YellowSummer, and CrescentHeart. All three packs were too far away for me to go have a small conversation about what that was.

I sighed, and rubbed my eyes. I walked into the pack house, and met everyone's questioning gaze. I frowned, wondering why they were all staring at me in confusion. I was only sleeping for an hour or so, wasn't I?

"Gemma!"Cole's voice met my ears, and I jerked my head up, watching as he ran over. He grabbed my face in his hands, and kissed my forehead, "where were you?"
I frowned, "I went for a run, and took a nap. It's been barely an hour."

"No it hasn't," my frown deepened, "you've been gone for over a day, and no one could find you."

I could feel everyone's gaze on us, and I turned away. This was awkward. He muttered a 'come on' and led me upstairs. I sat on our bed, and he saw beside me, watching me as I freaked out.

"So where were you?" He asked again.

"I told you already! I went for a run, and fell asleep!" I muttered.

He shook his head, and pinched the bridge of his nose. I tried to think about what was happening. It must've been from my dream, I've heard that it's not easy to contact the Moon Goddess.

"I- I think I contacted the Moon Goddess in my sleep, that's why..." I mumbled, staring at my hands. He looked at me in disbelief and stood up.

"When you're ready to tell the truth, come talk to me."

Then he walked out on me again. 

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