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And another week had passed. Cole barely came to bed now, he slept somewhere else. I couldn't sleep without him, and most nights I laid awake, my wolf crying out. Both of us had officially broken. The pack clearly noticed the way the two of us no longer were always side by side. I would try to talk to Cole, and he would ignore me, and the rest of the time he was avoiding me.

It hurt because wolves can tell when someone is lying, and he still didn't believe me even though his hearing was able to pick up on my heartbeat and his nose, my scent. He was listening to his human side, the bitterness in him, the fear, taking over.

I sighed, resting my head in my hands. I was currently the only one at the table, and it was annoying. The pack could smell the sadness, the loneliness, something close to rejection. How could they understand? Mates getting rejected is so rare, none of them could've experienced this before!

There was only one person who was really there for me, Mel, Cole's mom. She sat with me during breakfast and lunch, talking to me. She didn't try to take him off my mind, she actually talked about him a lot. She told stories about when he was little, stories I had never heard before. Currently, she was telling me about this one time he picked flowers and wove them into his hair.

"There were times," she laughed, "that I thought he was gay."

I smiled silently, and it didn't really hurt to hear his name. Even though me and Cole grew up together, I didn't really know him. It warmed my heart to hear all these things about him. If I know more about him, will I be able to fix the fissure between us? I wondered silently as Mel got up to go make more hot chocolate. It was November, and the days were getting colder. Sometimes it was so cold outside that the indoors were pretty cold.

Mel came back, and set down two mugs on the table. She sat down and sighed, running a hand through her graying brown hair. She folded her hands on the table in front of her, and then looked up at me.

"I'm going to be honest with you with I say I'm not shocked at what my son is doing, but I am disappointed," she shook her head, "I thought I raised my children better than that. I always told Cole never to disrespect a girl, but here he is."

"You can't force someone to respect someone," I said softly, "it's more like he should learn to talk to me and talk it out."

She snorted, "stubborn child. You know, I think you should forget talking and try to do something... more with your body."

The smirk on her face was so wide and sly, that it made me wonder if she was secretly a teenager at heart. She's almost sixty, but she's practically an eighteen year old girl, I frowned in thought, she reminds me of Kierra.

"Uh- that was the main reason why we weren't talking," I muttered.

She raised an eyebrow, "my son isn't a virgin, and I know you aren't. He's also a man, with balls, and if I know anything, a little bit of the right seduction can bring you two back together. It worked with me and Paul."

I blushed and looked down at my hot chocolate. The steam rose into my face, and I blinked. I shook my head, yeah, I have confidence at time, but I don't have the confidence to just saunter up to him and drag him into bed with me.

"Also girlie," she said, "I expect a grandchild in that tummy soon, or you'll be getting a very long lecture from me about how to get pregnant properly."

My whole entire face flamed red, and Mel laughed. She got up and walked away, patting my shoulder. Though some people might not see that as a major threat, I did because the embarrassment would be really extreme. She's an older and slightly sweeter version of Kierra, I confirmed, and then glanced over my shoulder.

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