A Man on His Knees

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     After telling my mate off, I went in search of Cole, and this time I searched outside of the pack house. I was going to ask him if he could send Tristan home, and if he questioned me I would just tell him the truth. He deserved to know, I knew if I hid it from him any longer I would eventually never tell him.

I was wandering around in the woods when I finally picked up on his scent. I followed it into a field and looked around. On a small hill, I saw Cole, no longer naked, on his knees in the grass. I ran towards him, and when I neared, he turned around, and I almost gasped when I saw the pain written in his eyes. I looked in front of him and saw what it was. A gravestone. Lyra's gravestone.

None of us had ever known where Lyra's grave was because Cole refused to have a burial ceremony, he buried her on his own and never told anyone where. No one was dumb enough to go in search of the place. The gravestone had only one word on it, Lyra, and the present I made for them stood in front of it.

I finally met his gaze, and he was watching me quietly, waiting for me to do something. I walked up beside him and knelt down staring at the gravestone. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, and then closed my eyes.

Everything around her resting place smelled heavenly. The scent of multiple flowers filled my nose, and it made me sigh. I opened my eyes and stared at the present I made for them. Surprisingly none of the paint had chipped nor was it broken. It was in one piece and it was still perfect.

"Is it weird... that most of the time I don't actually miss her?" He asked, looking at the ground. I looked at him and then frowned.

"I don't know, I've never lost anyone... but you barely knew her," I said calmly.

"Especially for the past two days," he mumbled, "that my mark has been on you."

Despite the situation, I still managed to blush. Subconsciously, I reached up and touched the mark on my shoulder. I pulled my hand away and brushed my hair out of my face.

"I... erm, I guess that makes sense," I muttered intelligently. I honestly didn't know what to say to any of this.

"I'm sorry about what I said that day in the office," he said, "I wasn't thinking about how you would feel. But just sitting here... talking to Lyra has made me realize something, how would I feel if Lyra or you said that to me? That you didn't care about my happiness, you were just doing this for the pack. I'll be with you the rest of my life, and not loving you would be stupid."

I was shocked when I heard him sniffle, and a sob following shortly after. He covered his face and started crying. His sobs were loud, full of shame and regret. I patted his back, unsure how he wanted me to comfort him. If he even wanted me to comfort him.

"Sometimes I swear I hear Lyra's voice in my head," he muttered through his cries, "and all day it feels like she's been telling me to move on. To let my walls down and learn to love. Bu- b- but I just don't know how to do that. I've fallen away for the past ten months, I don't even feel alive sometimes."

I sat there quietly for a while, listening to him rant. When a man cries, it proves he still has love in his heart, my grandma had told me when I was a young teen. I guess I didn't understand what she was trying to tell me then, but now I realized she was proving to me that if a guy cries over you or someone else, it means he still has enough love to for the world.

"I think that you still have love," I told him softly, "you obviously love Lyra."

"I do," he muttered, and looked up at me, his eyes red and puffy, "but I want to prove to you that I can love you as well. But how can I do that, when all I've ever been to you is an ass?"
I blinked, and rubbed his back, "what I said in the office that day, about loving you and fixing you is the truth. You don't need to be fixed though, you just need to be... picked up."

"Picked up?" He huffed, glancing at me.

"Pick up the pieces of your broken heart."

Silence consumed us, and I was glad for it. If he asked me anything again, I wasn't sure I would have an answer. His hand suddenly moved over to mine and grabbed it softly. I glance down at our intertwined hands, and sparks flew up and down my body. I smiled and looked away again.

After some time he yawned and rested his head on my shoulder. I let him stay like that for a while before he started to get too heavy. I tried to shove him off me, but when I looked down at him, he was dead asleep. I groaned and threw my hands up in the air. Losing my stability, I fell over with Cole half on top of me.

When I failed several times to get him off me, I gave up and relaxed into the grass. It was actually pretty comfortable, and I was half-wolf. How hard would it be to sleep out here? The sky was already fully dark and I was pretty tired.

I closed my eyes and thought about the day's events, and after several minutes, I fell asleep.


I woke up, feeling something heavy lying on me and kind of sore. My shirt was slightly wet, and something was poking my arms. I lifted my head and groaned when I remembered that Cole and I fell asleep in the meadow. I rubbed my head and frowned at Cole since overnight he had moved down so he was using my boobs for a pillow.

"Pervert!" I shouted and smacked his head.

He jolted awake, looking around in confusion. He looked at me, and then down where his head was placed. A smirk formed on his face, and he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I slapped his cheek, and he grumbled, sitting up.

"Why'd we sleep out here?" He complained, "we have a bed!"

"You're the one who fell asleep first, and I'm not strong enough to drag your lump of a body back to the house!" I snorted, standing up and brushing myself off. He stood up as well, staring at me. I blushed when he leaned closer so our faces were inches apart. I glanced at his lips and then back up at his eyes. He smiled.

"There's a bug on your face."


We got back to the pack house, looking completely disheveled and I didn't miss the sly looks several people gave us. Moon Goddess, this was extremely embarrassing. I walked up to our room and got showered and changed. I decided to wear a pink crop top with black shorts, and knee-high pink and black converse.

"Luna!" I turned around just as I laced up my last shoe. The same girl who got me for the ceremony stood there nervously, "Alpha Cole has asked for your presence in his office."

"Oh, thank you," I said, smiling at her. She gave me a hesitant smile back, before skittering away. I looked at myself in the mirror, hoping I looked presentable, or at least like a Luna. You look like the teenager you are, my wolf huffed. I frowned, I was almost eighteen, but that didn't really matter did it?

I walked to his office and knocked before opening the door. Cole sat at his desk, and across from him a man and a woman who I didn't know. They reeked of power, so I figured they were an Alpha and Luna. I carefully dipped my head to them, before walking over to Cole, and sat in the chair right next to his.

"Now what is it that you wished to talk about?" Cole asked, shifting in his chair and leaning forward.

"We would like to speak about you mating our daughter." 

So  sorry for updating late! I completely forgot about it on Friday, because it was my friend's birthday and I saw busy annoying her. heheh....




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