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"Why is your wardrobe so sad?!" Molly groaned as she threw a red dress out of my closet. She walked out, her arms crossed huffed, blowing a stray piece of red hair out of her face.

"My wardrobe is not sad," I defended, "I have a whole bunch of really good dresses."

"We're not looking for good we're looking for great, this is the closest things werewolves get to a wedding!" She sighed and rubbed her forehead. I glanced at her from where I sat on my bed.

"What is the ceremony even going to be like? I've never been to one or really been told much about it," I asked, falling onto my back.

"We're going shopping, and I'll answer your questions then," she said and grabbed my forearm dragging me out.

"We don't have time!" I complained.

"Shut up and follow!" Her voice held power, and I couldn't help but smile. She's turned into a true Beta. I followed her to the car and sat quietly as we drove into town. I was desperate for her to answer my questions about the ceremony, but I knew she wasn't going to talk until she knew I wasn't backing out of this.

We arrived in town, and I watched out the window as people milled about the streets. I sometimes wondered what it was like to be human, to carelessly walk about with a smile on your face. Not to worry about a superhuman war, not to worry about your pack, your Alpha, if your mate will accept you. Molly pulled into a parking lot and opened the door. I followed pursuit and watched as she marched into the mall with her head held high.

Despite humans not being able to smell power, they all looked at her as she entered. You didn't need to be able to smell power, to see the confidence and authority that radiated off her. I sighed if only I could be like that. I'm going to make a terrible Luna. Several boys wolf-whistled, but Molly didn't even spare them a second glance as she dragged me away into a fancy looking store.

My nose twitched as a familiar scent flooded me, and I looked around quickly. My eyes widened when Kierra, my best friend since I was little, jumped out from behind a clothing rack and ran towards me. She squealed and hugged me happily. I laughed, and hugged her back, nearly squeezing her to death.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Molly ordered me to come, she said it was an emergency and she needed my help!" She laughed.

Kierra used to be apart of SilverBite Pack, but when she found her mate, Jace, she ended up going to BloodClaw Pack with him. We were barely able to see each other since her new pack was all the way in the North Star region and we were in the far South-West region. The drive was five days, considering there was no traffic, and flying was out of the question.

"Plus I couldn't miss your big ceremony! You're becoming Luna and the mate to the hottest guy in SilverBite Pack!" She shrieked, clapping her hands.

"'Hottest guy'?" Jace interrupted as he suddenly made his presence known. I smiled at him and slightly waved, and he dipped his head to me.

"I said the hottest guy in SilverBite Pack, not in the world!" She huffed, rolling her eyes. He smirked and kissed her. She shoved him away from her and muttered something about PDA.

"It's not about you today, Jace! It's about Gemma, and we are going to make this girl look freaking fabulous!" She smiled and dragged me further into the store to look at dresses.


I sighed as I pulled on the thousandth dress of the day. I thought the first one was fine, but apparently, I quote, "it wasn't innocent enough for you, but sexy at the same time." I didn't even know how something could be innocent and sexy together. I frowned at the satin pink dress, in the mirror and didn't even bother showing it to them. I yanked it off and threw it into the corner. I grabbed the next dress and yanked it on. I sighed, and turned towards the mirror, expecting to see another disappointment.

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