++Besides Myself++

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Winter was finally here. Two weeks had passed since my heat had come and gone. All the after effects had left, and I was fully back on my feet. Everyone smiled at me as I sat on the counter, sipping my coffee contently. I stared out the window, watching white flurries swirl to the ground. From this place I could see the training grounds. The men and women shivered as they danced around in the snow.

I tried to find Cole's muscled back and dark hair, but failed. We had spent everyday together so far, and I was so happy. My wolf sang happy songs in her head. I suddenly saw Cole, his bright blue eyes flashing as him and Tommy fought against each other.

Subconsciously, my hand moved to my stomach, cradling it. I didn't know if I was pregnant or not, but I was pretty sure I was, it was my heat. I hadn't had any symptoms yet, but I was still confident. A smile graced my face as I thought about Cole and the possibility of a baby for us. I sighed, closing my eyes, content flooding my body.

My eyes opened and met Cole's gaze through the window. He was staring at me, a grin on his face. He looked gorgeous, a tight fitting black shirt on with snow fluttering down around him. I gasped when Tommy roundhouse kicked Cole's head knocking him to the ground. Several warriors burst out laughing, shaking their heads.

"Pay attention!" Tommy shouted, "stop making lovey dovey eyes at Gemma!"

I giggled. My body shook, and then coffee spilled onto my lap. I shrieked, and jumped off the counter. I grabbed a cold washcloth and pressed it up against my red thighs. The front door burst open, and Cole ran through the doorway to the kitchen. He scooped me up, and ran to the fridge, grabbing ice cubes. I squealed when he practically dumped them all on my lap.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, rubbing a hand across my forehead.

"I'm fine you doofus, it's just coffee," I muttered, pushing myself out of his arms.

"But I heard you shriek," he whispered, grabbing my face in his large hands. I rolled my eyes and kissed him quickly. I pulled away, and walked over to where my coffee mug sat. I drank the rest, and placed the cup into the sink.

"I need to talk to you," he said suddenly, and I felt myself stiffening, "I have a conference to go to to talk about the rogues with the other Alpha's, and I want you to stay here."
"No!" I said immediately, whirling, "I am your mate and Luna! I represent this pack as well and I am coming."

"No you're not, I will not allow you to get hurt," he snapped, when I opened my mouth, he snarled, "and that's final."

I tried to open my mouth, but he used his Alpha command on me and I couldn't argue. Hurt scorched me, and I walked out. He called after me, but I marched away and up to our room. I locked the door and sat down on the bed. I didn't cry, I just sat there, my legs crossed underneath me. I tried to think over what happened, and not get mad. He said he would never use his Alpha command on me, always give me the freedom to say what I want, but here he is commanding me around like I'm some useless rag doll.

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing. Moping wouldn't do me any good. I got up and changed, throwing on the first shirt and pair of pants that I saw. I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail, and walked back downstairs. All the kitchen girls smiled at me as they cleaned up the dishes and counter.

I looked out the window to see Cole training again. I frowned, a small, doubtful whisper playing in my mind: will we ever be real mates?


Two weeks. Two long-ass fricken weeks. That's how long Cole has been gone. In that long time I've called him once. It was getting to my head. I got annoyed at the smallest things that some she-wolves did, and nearly snapped Kierra's neck when she went against my wishes. I wasn't having any problems with anyone, and Kelly was lying low, for now.

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