The one with the birthday

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-March 7, 2012-

My alarm started blaring at 6 am and I groaned before rolling out of bed. Literally. I fell to the ground with a painful thud. I got off the floor slowly and brushed myself off. I sulked to my closet and grabbed some clothes.

I changed into leggings and a NYU sweatshirt and I brushed my hair and just left it down. I was too lazy to put in my contacts so I just left my glasses on and threw my contact stuff into my bag. I got everything I needed together and organized it in my suitcase.

I walked out to the kitchen where Mark, the driver, was waiting by the door. Apparently it had taken a half-hour for me to get everything ready and it was time to leave for Nashville. It's Spring break for Austin and I and since it's almost his birthday, we are both going home for a week. Taylor won't be coming though since she is in Australia for her Speak Now tour.

"Ready to go?" Mark asked.

I nodded and we left the apartment. I locked the door and went down to the awaiting car. I threw my suitcase in and climbed into the backseat.

We stopped for Starbucks on the way to the air field and I got my classic latte before getting on the plane. I sat in the back of the plane and we took off for the flight home. I put my headphones in and turned on some music. I laid down on two seats and tried to fall asleep. I remember putting my head down then nothing after that.

I felt the plane rumble as we landed and I sat up while rubbing my eyes.

I exited the plane and walked over to Dad who was waiting for me by the car.

"Hey Kait!" He said happily.

"Hey Dad!" I said, giving him a hug.

"Let's get home, your mom and Austin are waiting," he smiled. I put my bag in the trunk and climbed into the passenger seat of the car.

We drove the short way home and I looked out the window at my wonderful hometown. Technically I was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, but I lived in Nashville for 10 out of 18 years of my life. When we got home, I got my bag out of the trunk and brought it inside and up to my room, which seemed so empty without Taylor. I came back downstairs and gave hugs to both Mom and Austin. We all sat down for lunch in the kitchen.

"So Kaitlyn have you heard about the open auditions for the next season of Glee?" Austin asked.

"No!" I said, my mouth open.

"Well they're hosting a completely open audition in LA for like five new characters for season 4," Austin explained.

"Oh my gosh, you should audition," Mom said.

"What? No way," I laughed.

"Why? You totally could make it," Austin said.

"For real?" I asked, "Have you heard me sing?"

"Yes and you're really good," Mom said.

"You're joking right?" I asked.

"I think you should go for it," my dad said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean even if you don't make it, it's a good experience," he said.

"Okay, it's established, you're trying out for glee," Austin said. "I'll forward you the details."

"Great," I sighed.


Time jump > March 11, 2012

I set my alarm for 8 today so that I could get everything ready for Austin's birthday. I snuck downstairs and got his presents out of the car. I carried all of his presents up to his room and filled his room with the presents, balloons, and streamers. I taped streamers in his doorway and put my confetti cannon by his door. I then ran downstairs and quickly made Austin pancakes in the Mickey Mouse waffle iron. I put the two Mickey Mouse waffles on a plate along with some syrup and butter and strawberries. I made him an omelet and put it on another plate along with a donut with a candle stuck on either side. I put everything on a tray and brought it upstairs. I heard Austin stirring in his room so I left the food outside and grabbed my confetti guns. I tiptoed into his room and stood on one side of his bed. He started rolling around and eventually he opened his eyes while he was facing towards me. I blasted the confetti gun and yelled "Happy Birthday" into his face.

"What the! Why!" He yelled,rolling over to the other side of the bed.

I ran out of the room really quick and grabbed the tray of food. I brought it back in after lighting the candles. I carefully set it down on his lap sang Happy Birthday to him really loudly before letting him blow out the candles and eat.

After I got bored of watching Austin eat, I walked back to my room to change. I threw on some jeans and a green sweater that had brown elbow patches on it. I brushed and loosely curled my hair, leaving it down. I went downstairs and found mom and dad in the kitchen making some coffee. I grabbed a mug and set it out showing that I wanted a cup of coffee too. Austin came down around 11 and we all hung out and talked.

Abi and her family came over around five before dinner and Abi and I were hanging out outside on the trampoline since it wasn't actually that cold outside. Abi and I sat next to each other and just talked.

"Girls lets go we're going to dinner!" Mom yelled from the door.

"Coming!" We yelled back. We got off the trampoline and ran across the cold stone path and into the house.

We all loaded in the car and drove to the restaurant for Austin's birthday dinner.

"So Kaitlyn, any auditions coming up for anything?" Abi asked me.

"Actually, yes, there are open auditions for glee season 4 and I'm thinking about trying out," I replied.

"Oh my gosh that's so cool, I totally bet you'll get it," Abi said.

"I wouldn't count on it, but thanks," I laughed.

"When is the audition?" Abi's mom asked.

"Um April 14 I think," I replied.

"You'll do great," Abi winked at me.

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