The one with the sickness

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-June 9, 2013-

Kaitlyn's POV

I woke up this morning and could feel the dried up tears from crying myself to sleep last night. I sat up in my bed and rubbed the dried tears my eyes away. I got out of bed and stretched. I tried to walk into the bathroom, but walked directly into a wall due to not having my glasses on.

"Ow," I said, rubbing my forehead.

"Kaitlyn! What happened?" Taylor asked, rushing to me.

"Wall. No glasses. Ow," I muttered through a serious of coughs.

"Here," Taylor said, walking into the bathroom and handing me my glasses.

"Thanks," I said, shoving them onto my face. I sniffled and felt how my nose was completely congested.

"Are you okay? You don't sound to great," Taylor asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I don't feel so great either," I said congestedly, sniffling before coughing.

"Come here," Taylor placed the back of her hand against my forehead.

"God, Kait, you're burning up," Taylor said, taking her hand away from my forehead and moving it to my neck.

"Mom! Where's the thermometer?" She called to the front of the bus.

"Under the sink!" Mom called back.

"Wait here," Taylor said, pushing me onto my bed before going off into the bathroom. She returned a minute later holding a thermometer in her hand. "Open." I opened my mouth and Taylor stuck the thermometer under my tongue. We waited for it to beep and she pulled it out of my mouth. "102.5"

"Is that bad?" I asked before erupting into a fit of coughs.

"Yeah, that's 3.5 degrees over your normal temperature," Mom said, walking over to me.

"Ugh," I sighed, laying back on my bed covering myself in a blanket.

"I'm sorry babe," Taylor said, kissing my forehead.

"Can we stop for some coffee?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll talk to the driver," Mom said, walking to the front of the bus.

We stopped at the nearest Starbucks and Mom went in and got us some drinks. She handed me a warm cup and I quickly took a sip.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A hot chocolate," Mom said.

"But I asked for coffee," I whined, not really caring how bratty I sounded since I am sick.

"You shouldn't have caffeine when you have a fever Kait I'm sorry," she said.

I sighed before drinking some more of the hot chocolate which was actually really good, not coffee good, but still good. I finished my drink and suddenly got super cold. I shivered and I think it made Taylor nervous as she looked from me to Mom with wide eyes.

"Cold?" Mom asked. I nodded my head quickly and she went to the back of the bus, returning with a fuzzy blanket.

"Thanks," I said, wrapping the blanket around myself.

"Kaitlyn I think you should try and sleep a bit more, I think your lack of sleep is what mostly caused this," Mom said.

"And I don't think crying yourself helps at all," Taylor mumbled.

"I'm sorry," I said before walking to my bed. I curled up under a plethora of blankets and my eyes watered at the thought of Austin.

"Kait, hold on that's not what I meant," Taylor said, climbing into my bed and placing my head on her lap. I sniffled and wiped my few tears away.

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