The one with the special day

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-November 23, 2012-

Taylor's POV

I woke up around 8 in my LA apartment. Today was Kaitlyn's birthday and they had filmed this week so I decided to fly out to LA to spend the day with her. I was throwing her a surprise party tonight. I tiptoed downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed my keys and quietly left the apartment. I drove down to the nearest Starbucks to pick up some drinks. I got 2 pumpkin spice lattes before jumping back into my car and racing home. I quietly walked inside and started making breakfast.

I started by making some eggs and warming up the pancake maker. I made Kaitlyn a Mickey Mouse shaped pancake and put it on a plate. I used some cut up fruit to make eyes and a mouth on the pancake because when Kaitlyn was little we always did that and she would giggle so much over it. I finished making the omelet and sprinkled some green onion bits on top after putting it on a plate. I set both plates on a tray along with some fruit. I poured the latte into Kaitlyn's favorite mug and put it on the tray. I grabbed some silverware and a napkin and threw them on the tray as well.

I picked up the tray and walked down the hall to Kaitlyn's room. I set the tray down on her desk and walked over to her bed where she was asleep. I sat on the side of the bed and watched her sleep. She looked like such an angel. I decided to wake her up since it was now almost 10 and I was getting impatient.

"Kaitlyn," I whispered into her ear. She stirred a little bit but didn't open her eyes before going right back to sleep. "Kait."

"What," she whined.

"It's time to get up," I said.

"Later," she said tiredly, pushing my hand away from where I had brushed her hair away from her face.

"Katie, come on it's already ten," I said.

"It's only ten, give me a few more hours," Kaitlyn said, grabbing my hand from her shoulder. She pulled me down to a laying position next to her all while keeping her eyes closed.

"But babe it's your birthday," I said, hoping to get her a little more excited.

"I don't care I'm tired," she groaned.

"Kaitlyn Emily Swift! How dare you not care! I put so much work into your birthday and then you say you don't care! I'm hurt!" I said, standing up abruptly. Kaitlyn groaned in response. I opened her curtains and turned on the light in her room.

"No Taylor stop!" Kaitlyn cried, throwing her pillow over her face.

"Let's go, get up," I said, attempting to pry the pillow off her face.

"Stop," Kaitlyn groaned.

"Kait please," I begged.

"Come lay in bed with me; that's what I want right now," Kaitlyn said, pulling my hand towards her.

"Fine," I sighed. I got under the covers with Kaitlyn and she curled her self into me. She had her head in the front of my neck and I rested my chin on her head. She was still holding my hand and her feet were under my legs since her toes were always cold. I wrapped my arms around her small body and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I heard my baby sister's soft snores. I smiled as I kissed the top of her head. I let her sleep for a while while I rubbed her back and listened to her snores. I twirled some of her hair around my finger as my phone started buzzing from my pocket. I let go of the little bunch of red hair I was twirling and took my phone out. I looked at the caller ID and smiled when I saw Hailee's name.

"Hey, Tay!" She said happily.

"Hey, Hails, listen I'm currently posing as Kaitlyn's life-sized pillow so try and keep it down and don't talk about the thing just in case she wakes up," I said into the phone.

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