The one with the friends

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-May 29, 2013-

Kaitlyn's POV

"Hey, Kait long time no see!" Melissa said, giving me a hug across the center console as I got in her car.

"I know, I missed you, Liss," I said, returning the hug.

"How is touring?" Melissa asked excitedly.

"It's awesome," I smiled, thinking of the wonderful fans that are at the concert and my wonderful boyfriend who is waiting for me when I get back to tour from LA.

"Ooh, tell me more," Melissa said as we started driving towards the studios.

"Well, every concert has so many awesome fans and it's so cool seeing them having so much fun and hearing them singing along to all of the songs," I explained.

"Who is opening for her?" Melissa asked.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I replied. "Ed Sheeran and Austin Mahone."

"Um, back up, what was that smile?" Melissa said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying my best to hide my smile.

"That," Melissa said, pointing at me as she turned her head for a quick second before turning back to the road. "What is it? Spill."

"What is what?" I asked, accidentally letting out a small giggle.

"Oh my god, is it a boy?" Melissa asked knowingly.

"Maybe," I said shyly.

"SPILL!" Melissa yelled excitedly.

"Okay, so Austin joined us a couple weeks ago on tour and we hit it off and we're kind of dating now," I grinned.

"Tell me more," Melissa demanded.

"Well, he's super sweet and he's such a dork," I smiled, thinking back to when Austin got the ball signed for me at the baseball game. "And he's such a good singer and dancer and he loves watching movies. He's such a gentleman too. He never lets me pay and he always wants to make sure I'm happy. Our first date, he took me to a Detroit Tigers game and he caught a ball for me and even got it signed. He yelled down to the players while they were practicing between innings and had them sign it for me and it was so cute, oh my gosh."

"You're so cute," Melissa smiled, turning to glance at me.

"Why?" I asked as she pulled into the set's parking lot.

"You're so in love," Melissa laughed.

"What?" I said, caught off guard by the 'L' word.

"You're so infatuated by him," Melissa told me.

"How..." I trailed off.

"Kait, it's clear as day," Melissa laughed.

"I mean I guess," I said, scrunching my eyebrows.

"Don't think too much about it," Melissa said, slinging an arm over my shoulders. "He sounds awesome. I want to meet him sometime."

"Okay," I agreed. "I'm sure you will."

"Kaitlyn!" I heard someone squeal from behind us.

I turned around only to nearly get knocked over by Becca slinging her arms around me.

"Hey, Becs," I smiled, giving my cast mate a hug.

"How have you been?" Becca asked.

"*Cough cough* lovestruck *cough cough*," Melissa said, pretending to cough.

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