The one with the Oscars

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A/N: Truth be told I love what happens in this chapter because I think it's hilarious!

-February 24, 2013-

"Kaitlyn! Have you showered yet?" Taylor yelled to me from down the hall.

"I'm about to!" I yelled back.

"The hair and makeup team is going to be here in 10 minutes! Hurry up!" She yelled at me.

"I'm going, I'm going! Relax Taylor Tot!" I said, using one of my many nicknames for her.

After my shower, I didn't bother to dry my hair since Taylor's team would just change it anyway. I threw on joggers and a sports bra and just went downstairs like that.

"Kaitlyn! Put a shirt on!" Austin yelled at me, covering his eyes.

"Why? I'm so comfortable though," I complained.

"Well I'm uncomfortable!" Austin argued.

"Kaitlyn! Put this on," Taylor said, throwing a jacket at me.

"Fine," I groaned, putting on the jacket. I didn't bother to zip it up though.

I got my hair and makeup done before the team sent me upstairs to put my dress on. It was a strapless white dress that was fitted and pooled a bit at my feet. I grabbed my black heels and my sparkly handbag and headed back downstairs.

"Wow Kait looking good," Austin complemented me as I sat down to put my shoes on.

"Thanks Aus, you too," I said, struggling to buckle my shoe.

"Ready to go guys?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah," I said, standing up and grabbing my purse.

We got into a limo that was waiting downstairs and drove to Dolby Theatre where the Oscars were being held. We stepped out onto the red carpet and were immediately swarmed with flashes and loud voices. We posed for a ton of pictures then went in for the show.


We got out of the car and walked into the venue for the after party. Hailee and I walked into the party together as Taylor and Austin split in different directions.


Third Person POV

Kaitlyn grabbed her soda from the waiter and turned around to be face to face with none other than the douchebag Logan Lerman.

"Well well well, Kaitlyn Swift," he grinned.

"Hey Logan," Kaitlyn said with an annoyed closed mouth smile.

"This is my girlfriend Alex," he said, gesturing to the beautiful girl next to him.

"Nice to meet you," Kaitlyn said politely to her.

"You too," Alex smiled lightly.

"So how've you been?" Logan asked Kaitlyn.

"Better since you've been gone," Kaitlyn said, taking the opportunity to take a jab at him.

"Oof, please don't write a song about me," he fired back.

"Trust me, I tried, Taylor said there was too much swearing in it," Kaitlyn smirked.

"Oh, your slutty big sissy said no? That's too bad," he said, fake pouting.

Kaitlyn pushed him backwards before getting in his face, "Don't you dare talk about my sister like that." She growled.

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