The one with the Ellen show

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-October 24, 2012-

"Kaitlyn are you ready?" Taylor asked, coming into my room.

"Yeah," I said. Today, Taylor and I are going to be on the Ellen show.

I'm wearing a navy blue dress that has white flowers on it. It has spaghetti straps and they crossed in the back, making a cute diamond shape. I put on my little tan booties. I had lightly curled my hair and left it down. I wore a little bit of stage makeup and some red lipstick. Taylor was wearing a peachy orange colored dress with her hair down and curled, and some simple makeup. We drove through LA to the Warner Brothers studios and found the Ellen stage. We walked in and found our little dressing room thing. I was told to go into the bathroom to check out the really pretty chandelier. I walked in and looked up, but didn't see anything.

"Taylor what chandelier?" I yelled back. When I turned around Ellen popped out from where she was crouched on the side of the door. I jumped a little bit but not as much as Taylor did on her first time here.

"That was so lame," Ellen said.

"I told you, you can't scare her," Taylor said, coming into the bathroom.

"I don't scare easily," I said.

"God, you're no fun," Ellen joked.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Okay, well we are ready to go on air whenever you are ready," Ellen said.

"We're ready whenever," Taylor smiled.

"Great," Ellen said.

We were introduced into the show a half hour later and Taylor walked out first with me following her. We smiled as we gave Ellen hugs and sat on the couch across from her.

"How are you girls today?" Ellen smiled.

"Good," we smiled.

"Well that's great, so Kaitlyn it's your first time on the show today," Ellen said and I nodded. "and as everyone knows, I like to hide in people's bathrooms with hidden cameras and scare them. I got your sister really well on her first time, but I couldn't get you today. Let's watch the video."

They put the video on the screen and I watched myself walk into the bathroom and when Ellen jumped out I flinched a little, but not too much.

"Now let's compare that to Taylor's," Ellen said and they played the video of Taylor getting scared.

Ellen jumped out and Taylor screamed as she went straight to the ground. I burst out laughing as the video turned off and Taylor's face was in her hands.

"That's my favorite video ever," I laughed.

"So do you scare Taylor a lot?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Have you ever done anything good like that?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah, Halloween is my favorite time to scare her and Hailee Seinfeld usually helps me and we've gotten her good. Last year, we bought these costumes. So Pretty Little Liars is Hailee and my favorite show and there was this Halloween episode last year where there's this guy dressed in a creepy costume that looks like this weird baby thing. So Hailee and I got costumes like that and all day we were continuously jumping out of different places in our apartment whenever Taylor would walk past and scare her. So I was hiding in her shower and she came into the bathroom and Hailee was secretly videoing it from somewhere. So Taylor walks into the bathroom to do her makeup and I jumped out from behind the shower curtain and screamed at her and she screamed so loud and fell onto her bath mat. Hailee and I came out and we were laughing so hard. I have a video of it." I explained.

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