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~Keith's POV~

"KEITH RUN AFTER OTHERS!!!" Lance yelled at me as we were running from army of galra's casing us. I was terrified. Everyone was killing everything. No mercy. Because of them...


After we - somehow - got Lucy to steal the keys from guards, we got out.

Shiro took his helmet that was on the highest of three shelves, on the end of the room. He contacted Princess Allura to get here immediately with lions. She didn't even ask and was on full speed.

After Shiro was done, he tossed Lance blue helmet and he put it on. I took out my knife that was present from my dad like mom said. I had it all my life.

It was matter of seconds, when guards realized, they didn't have keys and we were out.

I sprinted beside the two trying my hardest not to get shot, killed, caught.  I wasn't out of shape since I was training while the others were still sleeping.

Allura was there already trying not to get as much damage. Hunk and Pidge were fighting in their lions.

~Lance's POV~

We won and got free from galra.

We were looking around if anyone lived or not when I saw something that broke my heart.

Keith was on his knees, while his mom was saying his last words to him. He was shaking trying not to cry so hard.

"I know that you don't love me as a mother.... But I will always love you, my baby..." she forced out as she wiped away all the tears from his face, but more were coming out.

He took her arm and kissed it. "You are my mother. I could never hate you... I love you, mom." he whispered loudly enough to her so she hears him with shaky breath.

She gave him a weak smile and put her hand on his cheek. "You are just like your father..." she said as her son gripped her hand.

"I know... You're telling me every day..." he cried as her hand slowly fell and she fell asleep forever.

Keith was crying and repeating "wake up" over and over and over. It was too late. We couldn't do anything.

Shiro, Hunk, Pidge and Allura were behind me, only watching... No-one was saying anything... That looking at the poor Keith that just was crying with his mother's dead body in his hands...

Allura was crying softly now her had on her mouth.

Keith kissed her forehead softly and laid her down. "Good night.... At least you're with father..."

He slowly got up, only to broke into more tears as he saw her. She was lying on her back looking happy. She was now in better place and her beloved son told her that he loved her.

I slowly reached Keith. His ears were down as the tears fell from his eyes. I turned him softly and gave him a hug. He was surprised, but replied the hug.

I listened soft, slow steps reach us and Shiro hugged us both. Then Hunk, Allura and the last one was Pidge.

We were like that until Keith's sobs stopped coming and his full weight was now on me. I knew he would pass out. It happened everytime he cried this much.

The others pulled out of the hug and I scooped Keith into my arms, bridal style. It still scares me how light he is.


We were in the castle and Keith was still sleeping peacefully in my arms. Not as a galra but as a human. Allura was shocked, as expected.

Coran led me to the ex red paladin's room, since he wasn't in this world. Which was a good thing. He was killed in hard mission, that was meant to be easy. We didn't make it to the castle in time so he died in Shiro's hands. He was his cousin and he loved him dearly, so he kinda knew how it hurt Keith to lost his own mom...

I was in now Keith's room just watching him sleep.

I was reading a book when Keith shifted, groaned and woke up.

He slowly got up as I sat on his bed. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Where am I...?" he whispered, his throat was dry from the crying. He suddenly remembered what happened and tears formed in his eyes as his cheeks got little pink. "D-Did my m-mom really...."

I just hugged him. We didn't say anything, we were just hugging until he calmed down. He was the whole time in his human form.

We heard a knock on the door and Coran stepped in. "The dinner is on table." he said as I smiled and nodded Keith was behind me, obviously a little bit scared of Coran. I chuckled a little as I helped him up.

We walked to the table and I allowed Keith to sit next to me. He was nervous, but in his human form. It was very visible that he was nervous. His ears pressed to his head, looking down and hiding his hands.

When everyone was at the table no-one said anything. Everyone was dead quiet until Allura broke the uncomfortable silence.

"So, Keith. I'm Allura. Princess Allura." she said in friendly tone.

"I know."

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