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~Lance's POV~

"I know." Keith almost whispered getting nervous and sinking into his chair.

Allura's eyes widen and everyone's gaze was on him. He was very uncomfortable as I saw when he changed into his galra form.

"How can you know us when you were three years in galra prison? Or did you lied?!" Allura shot up in the same time as I did. "I told you we can't trust gal-" I cut her off as Keith wanted nothing more than run. Run far away.

"I told him alright!?" I yelled as Allura and Keith jumped. I was looking at her, her eyes wide. I cleared my throat and continued. "I told him about us. He can be trusted. He's not galra.... Well fully. And most importantly, you're scaring the shit out of him!" Allura's gaze flicked onto Keith and as she saw him her eyes were full off guilt.

She sighed and apologized. "OK you two sit down and eat up. Keith if you'll need anything just say." Shiro said. I totally forgot they were here. Hunk was eating already his space goo and Pidge was just watching, smirk all over her face. Shiro was now eating too and Allura was just sitting, looking guilty.

I ate my plate and everyone was now gone. Keith was just sitting there, looking at the space goo like on blobfish. ( I forgot how it was named so I goggled 'weird deep sea creatures'and clicked on the first article accidentally and it was called '25 most terrifying deep sea creatures'so.... I just creeped the shit out of me... And it's 3 am. I have school tomorrow)

I giggled and it seems it caught his attention. "Try to eat it. It's better than stare a hole in it." I giggled again now at blushing Keith. He took the spoon and picked up a little amount of space goo. He looked at me with puppy eyes and I nodded. He ate it. He now took a full spoon and ate it. He was hungry.


I walked with him to his room and as I turned away, something tugged on my shirt. I looked back and it was Keith biting on his lip and blushing. "Um... Can you.... Um... Could you stay... With me... A little longer...?" he asked whispering the end. I smiled and took his hand.

We walked to my room and sat on my bed. He was blushing really hard but was in his human form. I laughed and he looked at me shyly. "You're really cute you know?" I said it. I. Said. It. He was blushing to his neck and I laughed embarrassed and rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm sorry...??" I wasn't sure. "You know... I know you don't probably don't like-like me or even like me but... Uh quiznack! I just fucked up everything! You don't love me and I'm in love with you so hard I could scream." I just confessed... I... Just... Fucked up completely.

~Keith's POV~

Lance just confessed to me. I was so shocked I couldn't say a word. I stared at him, blushing madly with my mouth open.

When I snapped out of it the words just came out on their own. "I just don't know how you can love someone like me... A monster..." his eyes widened and his head shot to me.

He grabbed me by my shoulders, hard and looked into my eyes. "Listen to me, Keith. I don't want you to ever say that ever again. You are the prettiest guy in galaxy. You are kind, you are respectful, you are meaningful and I love you even if you're a galra hybrid." on the end of his speech, he pecked my lips. "Promise me you will never say that ever again, OK?" I simply nodded and Lance wiped the tears from my eyes.

I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. "I promise and I love you too..." I kissed him one more time. "I should go to my room before Allura kills me." he giggled and nodded. I love when he's happy. I got up from his bed and he did too. I raised my eyebrow and he gave me quick peck on my cheek. He walked me to my room and as the door closed I sat on my bed, took my pillow and screamed softly into it. I was smiling and thinking about Lance until I fell asleep.

~Lance's POV~

I was so happy when Keith said he felt the same way.

When the door closed behind him I walked slowly to my room. I was smiling so much that I thought my face will rip.

I almost jumped to the ceiling when Shiro put hand on my shoulder. "You scared me!!" he laughed and walked with me.

"So~? Did something good happened? You're smiling widely from the time you and Keith walked from your room~." he said with smirk on his face.

"Well..." I started, he hummed. "We I kinda confessed...?" I said blushing.

"Did he rejected you?... Well I know answer for that..." I laughed and we said our goodnights and went sleep.

Cruel life, Happy love [klance]Where stories live. Discover now