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~Lance's POV~

I finally calmed Keith down. Pidge was checking every camera recording. Shiro was asking Allura what was happening when we were gone. Hunk was cooking from the stress and worry. Coran was.... doing Coran things.

I brushed Keith's hair from his eyes. He still looked scared.


"Finally home!" Pidge said and plopped onto the couch in the sitting area.

"Where's Keith? He's always here when were back from mission..." I asked. Everyone looked at me.

We started looking for him. I went to our room. The door was locked. I tried to open it several times, but nothing. "Shiro! Could you help me here?"

Shiro opened the door and we looked again everywhere. I tried the door to the bathroom. Locked. And someone was sobbing in there. Shiro opened the door again. Keith was in the corner of the room, shivering, sobbing and looked like he was having trouble breathing.

"Keith!" I yelled and sung on my knees in front of him. "Breath Keith, breath."

He was finally calming down and looked up. His gaze fallen on Shiro. His eyes widened and looked back at me. How eyes widened even more. What is happening? He slapped my hands off and tried to get away from me.

After a while, me trying to calm him down, being away from him and not touching him, he passed out.

~end of flashback~

I was watching Keith roll over in his sleep, when Pidge got to the room, panting. They must have run here. "You have to see this."

We went to the bathroom. Pidge opened some kind of file on her computer. A video started.


Keith was sitting with Allura in the common room. He started to go away, but Allura started talking. We didn't know what she was talking about.

She backed Keith to the wall and we didn't see, so Pidge changed cameras.

Keith was being pinned to the wall only by his neck, trying so hard to breath.

Eventually, Allura let him go. Keith was gasping for air on the ground.

He was cracking to our room, pausing sometimes and falling. His ears glued to his head and his yellow eyes wide.

He finally got to our room, locked the door, stayed for a couple of minutes, before crawling to the bathroom and locking it.

~End of the video~

My eyes were wide. Allura did this? How could she?! Rage was growing inside of me by every millisecond I was sitting there.

When I calmed down a little, we walked out. Pidge was going to show Shiro the tape and I was, and I quote, 'Staying here with Keith, while Shiro will kick Allura's ass!!'.


I was sitting on our bed next to Keith, reading an Althean book, which Pidge translated.

Keith opened his eyes, slowly. "Good morning." I said. His eyes were unfocused. "Are you OK, love?" he sat down, slowly. He looked like he forgot everythi- or not! He started to shiver and hyperventilate. "Keith, it's OK. Allura won't hurt you." it didn't seem like he was calming down. "She won't hurt me." I at least tried. To my surprise, it worked. "She won't hurt anybody." he was calming down. At least something positive. I opened my arms and he plopped right in them. He was still shivering, but it wasn't that bad.

After a while, he calmed down.

"Mind telling me what she said to you?" he looked at me. "You didn't have to if you don't want to."

"She was... Saying something about you a-and Shiro... That if I hurt you two, she will end me.... And something th-at, if I did something to Shiro she would hurt you... And then something about others.... I-I wouldn't do a-a-anything to S-Shiro, or my mate... Th-that..." he broke down.

"Shh... Shh... It's OK..." I was calming him down. "Babe? Just want to ask... What's 'mate'?"

"It's someone every galra, or someone with galra blood have. They're like human soulmates, but when mates are mated, they can feel each others pain, have a mind link -that we already have-, but mind link can be already created after those two got together. The only thing, that can help you find your mate, is a 'tattoo' that we have on the back of our necks and a sweet scent that the mate give out.... I have written 'Lance' on the back of my neck... And your scent is like a cinnamon..." he breathed in my scent. "But we still aren't mated. You're mated only when your mate, or somebody, bite your nape when they have their climax together. No other way..." I could feel his blush and my on our faces.

We were enjoying the warmth of our bodies together, when Allura literally broke down the door. There was a Bayard in her hand, but inactivated. I pushed Keith behind me, instincts kicking in.

She walked towards us and activated the Bayard in her hands. My Bayard. A long, glowing roped appeared. She swung it at us. We jumped off and ran to the hall way. I kept Elton in front of me.

We got to the bridge and locked the door. Everyone was there. They were trying to find something, u suppose. Their heads snapped at us.

"Oh God, thank God you're alive!" Hunk yelled and ran to us. "Where is Allura?!?"

"She was trying to kill us!" I breathed out, still panting. "Can someone tell me what's going on in here?!"

"I think, that Allura thinks, that Shiro is her mate, but he isn't! It's obvious for altheans,  because of their DNA, but those two aren't. To galra it's more complicated. Anyways, we tried to tell her, but she didn't listen and ran away. She was muttering to herself, that she will kill you two. We tried to stop her, but she locked the door from outside and I couldn't open it." Pidge said in panicked voice and hugged me and Keith.

Keith was still a little shaken, do I hugged him. His head buried in my neck and he took deep breaths. "So... What are we going to do with her...? We need Allura and I need Keith. We need them both." I said, almost in whisper and hugged Keith closer.

"That's true... We need Allura to move this castle and such and you and Keith are, visibly, mates. And you are both a family. If we get Allura away, there won't be anything to heal the hole in our hearts and voltron won't be able to work. If we get Keith away, there will be hole in our hearts and Lance will probably go into depression, and or will kill himself, and or will go with Keith..." Pidge thought out loud.

"Can't we do something with Allura's brain or some sci-fi stuff?" Hunk said.

Pidge snapped her fingers. "You're a genius Hunk!! If we can get her here, I can trap her there and we can somehow manipulate her to get her shit together and realize that she and Shiro aren't mates!!"

We got our plan done and let Allura in.

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