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~Keith's POV~

I woke up in a cold bed. It was still night time, so I panicked a bit. He didn't ever just left me in the night. Or did he?

I looked around the room. My eyes stopped on a figure forming in the darkest corner in the room. It opened it's eyes. They were glowing blue. And it was getting loser and closer. It wasn't much tall. Something like 4 feet 7 inches, but the horn on its head made it seem a lot taller.

When it got closer and closer, I still couldn't move my body, but it wasn't because of me. Something glowing blue was around my body, not letting me move.

I tried calling for help, but I couldn't talk.

When it was a few inches in front of me, I could see needles as it's arms. And all over it's body.

It bend down next to me and whispers in my ear. "Find us, little one."


I jerked upwards in my bed with scream. Cold sweat was all over my body and a headache. I flopped down again on the bed. I looked around the room. No-one was in the room. No-one. Not even Lance.

At that moment, when I was panicking a little bit, Lance opened the door to our room. He must have ran here.

"Darling..." he said breathlessly. Yep. He ran here. "I head you yell. Is everything okay? Bad dream?" I just nodded, not trusting my voice. Lance smiled and kissed my forehead. "Get ready. In a minute will be breakfast. I was training with Shiro. Sorry." he apologized.

"It's okay..." I whispered.


"So." Allura started. We were all on the bridge, talking about a new mission and so on. "Pidge and Hunk will go to this planet in the Keruri, Lance and Shiro will go to this planet and Coran and myself will go to this planet. Keith will be in the castle, since I don't think it's a good idea to take the castle with us, or to let it be here alone. Is everything okay with you?"

Everyone nodded. Lance was unsure about it, but I convinced him.

"The trip there will be long seven days each. You will be there a few hours, helping and, or talking to the civilians and their headmasters. So Keith will be in the castle alone for two weeks or longer. Is that okay with you, Keith?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Great! So get it together paladins. Everyone will take two lions, but Coran and me will take escape pods. Be here in ten minutes!!"


Allura hid the castle in one crack in some meteorite and sealed it and some other stuff I don't get.

They all got away and I was walking through the quiet castle.

~timeskip, eleven days~

I woke up today and my body was oddly heavy and cold, but sweat was literally dripping down my body and my throat was dry.

I tried to get up, but it was no use. I didn't have any strength.

I didn't know what was happening. I was scared.

After a few minutes of looking at the ceiling, my vision started to blur in the covers on my eyes. It was kinda fascinating and I couldn't stop looking around, but then extreme pain, like my brain was trying to break through my skull or something, hit me out of nowhere.

I laid for a few minutes in my bed, holding my head and occasional whimpers escaping my mouth, that made the pain worse, when I could feel my dinner wanted to get out of my body.

Even through the pain of my body and the intense headache, I ran to the toilet and got everything that could out of my body.

When I was done, I tried to stand up, bit my body said otherwise. I tried one more time and stood up. I made a step forward, but my knee gave up on me and my body slammed on the floor. Then all I could see was darkness.

~Lance's POV~

I got out of my lion. It was night time and me and Shiro got home two days earlier, so I walked to our room to surprise Keith.

But when I walked to our room, no-one was in the bed, lights were just dimmed and awful smell was in the room. There was light in the bathroom, so I stepped inside and my heart dropped.

Keith was laying unconscious on the ground and cut on his forehead, that was already healed, but a lot of blood was on the floor. There was vomit in the toilet. The smell was awful, but I didn't mind it. All I could see was Keith on the floor.

How long could he be here?

I dropped down to him and lifted him up. His expression was full of pain and he was shaking, but his body was oddly warm. Fever.

I laid him down on the bed and turned on the air conditioning and flushed the toilet.

I ran through the castle to find Shiro as fast as possible.

"Shiro!!" I yelled when I saw him at the bridge. He looked at me with smile, that dropped immediately "It's Keith. I found him on the floor unconscious and he has a fever."

He didn't even respond and ran towards my bedroom.

Keith was still on the bed, shaking. His face was still flushed and expression full of pain and occasional whimpers escaping his mouth.

We tried to take him to the nurse room, but even the way to the door of our room seemed to make him go worse, so we laid him on our bed.

Shiro went for the first aid kit to our bathroom, while I changed Keith's clothes and got him under the covers.

We took his temperature. 100 degrees. Shit. "We have to calm down his temperature." I went to the bathroom and took a wet rug and put it on Keith's forehead.

"I hope you'll be okay, love..."

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