Chapter 1- On the Road to Beach City

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'____' Thoughts
"___" Conversation
Update: Ignore this now...
Zachary POV

Walking forward, I hum along to the tune of what I was listening to.

A/N I absolutely love listening to this song while writing or drawing. All songs, art, and material (besides my OC) belong to their respective creators.

Trotting along in silence, I feel at peace... and am wondering when the next exciting thing is gonna happen.

Zachary: *Sigh* 'I really love this, but I just want to settle down somewhere exciting. Like those strawberry fields, filled to the brim with Giant weaponry, or those jungles filled with those random monster's, heck, even Jersey, where a shoe might come crashing through my window!'

Continuing to walk, I soon notice a sign coming up. Excited I run over, quickly reading it.

Zachary: 'Beach City, huh? I guess that sounds pretty alright.'

Intrigued, I continue my walk, now with a destination in mind, specifically, a city with a beach, two and a half miles away.

Steven POV

Running towards the house, with my best friend, Connie, in tow, I felt even more excited with each step that I took.

Connie: "Steven, why are you in such a rush to get back to the temple? We were there literally an hour ago!"

Looking back at her while running, I giggle abit, keeping my own promise.

Steven: *Giggle, giggle* Its a surprise.

Continuing onward, I speed myself up, hoping to get there even faster.

Connie"Steven! Slow down abit!"

Not listening, I grab her hand, and continue running, wanting to see what the Gems brought back this time.


Sitting on the bench outside the Big Donut, I hand Connie a strawberry donut, as I grab a chocolate one for myself.

Steven:" I can't believe this'll be your first donut, Connie!"

Laughing a bit, she nods.

Connie:" Yeah, I still can't believe you convinced my parents to allow it. They hate anything with trans fat."

Steven"Okay, how about on the count of three, we both take a bite of our donut?"

Connie:*Nodding vigorously* That's a great idea! Okay, on the count of three?"

Steven: *Nod* Three...

Connie: Two...

Steven: One...

Connie/Steven: Zero!!!

Like I suggested, we both bit into our donut, though Connie is clearly enjoying it alot more than I am, as her eyes sparkled.

Connie: *Gasp, Mouth full* Oh mer gush Stevern, thish ish amashing!

Swallowing my bite I nod back.

Steven: " I know, I know, like I said, the Big Donut has some of the BEST Donuts."

Connie: *Swallow* I have to agree completely.

Smiling at me, she gives me a side hug, holding her donut carefully.

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