Chapter 6- Surprising Abilities

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Third Person POV

Silence filled the room, the only thing heard was the occasional pop of lava bubbles.

Zachary:... Wha?

Smirking, Garnet stands straight, her hands on her hips.

Garnet: Would you like to join the Crystal Gems?

Clearly, both Amethyst and Pearl were confused by the offer Zachary was receiving, heck, Pearl looked absolutely appalled by the ordeal.

Pearl: Garnet! This isn't what we discussed! We said we'd ask him questions, not offer him a spot!

Amethyst: Yeah G, why so sudden?

Turning towards the two, Garnet crosses her arms, staring at the two with her ever famous glare.

Garnet: Well, to explain it shortly, it's because of his unpredictability.

Zachary: You mean how you can't see my future?

Garnet: Exactly. Now without my future vision, I can see this going two ways. One, we gain an ally, who's unpredictability would work against the inevitable war, against other Sapphires, and throwing off any chance of a counter attack by the enemy. Or two, lose that ally, and take the chance of any type of counter measure that they may prepare.

Silence once again filled the air, as Garnet turned back towards Zachary, who was in deep thought.

Garnet: So, what's your answer?

Breaking from his thoughts, he simply stares back at Garnet, who's eyes are completely obscured by her visors, the reflective surface showing him his own confused stare.

Zachary: Well, I'm not sure how this is going to go. From what I heard, you're in a war against your own kind from what I can gather, at least, from how you mentioned "Sapphires".

Conflicted, he starts staring towards the bubbles in the room.

Zachary: Are these all fellow gems, or are they just "Corrupted"?

Garnet: Just Corrupted.

The room was filled with silence for a few short moments, before the young teen nodded to himself, smiling.

Zachary: Alright, I'm in.

Garnet, clapping her hands together, grins.

Garnet: Perfect. Now, instead of asking about your abilities, I wish to test you.

Now excited, Zachary pumped his arms in front of him.

Zachary: Great! When do we start?

Garnet: In the morning, after Steven wakes up. Now, before that, I'll let Amethyst and Pearl quiz you any way they want, except for the abilities part.

Stepping off, she soon leans against a nearby wall.

Turning back to the other two, Amethyst soon jumped infront of him.

Amethyst: Can you cook?!

Started, Zachary takes a few steps back.

Zachary: U-uh, what?

Walking closer, she faces him, literal centimeters away from him, making him blush lightly.

Amethyst: Can. You. Cook?

Zachary: ...Why?

Jumping back, she points at Pearl.

Amethyst: 'cause Pearl says she won't cook for me again!

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