Chapter 14- Here Comes a Th-WAIT, let's train!

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A/N Right off the bat, I just felt like writing for this story, so I wanted to begin the story portion, a.k.a Here comes a thought... so, I'm progressing this story, with a BANG!

Also, listen to any battle music that you'd feel best fit the upcom- ...wait... SPOILERS NONONO!!! 

Big shout out to towerofbable, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Anyways, ONWARDS!

Zachary POV

Zachary: You sure you want to wear that?

I was watching Steven, who was currently messing around in his closet, random rustling and clanks could be heard.

Turning around, the top of his head shined, his hair missing with the current bald cap he was wearing.

Steven: Yes! It. Is. INGENIOUS!

Rolling my eyes, I sat up from my spot on the couch, making my way towards the warp pad.

Zachary: Weeeeellll, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go help Pearl with the Sky Arena, while yooouuuuu get prepped with Connie.

Steven: 'kay, see you!

Standing on the Warp pad, I felt myself lift before the light surrounded me, quickly transporting me.

Zachary: Hmmm, let's see... today, they're going to fight together as Stevonnie and mainly practice their unity and such... whereas they'll be doing as much work together... I wonder what that's like?

 I saw the light disperse, before feeling myself fully land again.

Walking up the steps, I continue my thoughts on the training plan, mumbling to myself.

Zachary: ... Oh! We can have them fight against another fusion and practice their maneuverability with the current conditions of the aren- GAH!

P???: WHA-

Not even noticing that I was walking forward, I soon bumped into someone, making her tumble forward, as I caught her by her familiar slender hand and waist.

Looking down, I quickly noticed the distance between our faces; or the lack there of.

Zachary: U-uh, Sorry Pearl.

A small warmth spread in my cheeks as I noticed that I practically dipped her into a natural dancers pose.

Noticing the same thing, a dusting of blue danced across her cheeks, as I quickly stood her up, turning around.

Pearl: I-i-i'ts q-qui-quite a-a-a-alright.

Looking up from the floor, I saw Garnet taping together paper with a stick.

Zachary: Uuuhhh, Garnet?

Looking up, she was surprised for a split second, before a grin split out on her face.

Garnet: Zachary! You're here to see Steven and Connie fight as Stevonnie?

Walking over, I decided to discuss said topic with the fusion, and let the awkward tension between Pearl and I die down.

Though I wonder; why was my heart beating so fast when I saw her blush like that?

Pearl POV

Looking over at the human teen, I saw that he was now helping Garnet with her "Fusion sign."

Why does he always make me feel so... weird ?

Shaking my head, I went back to my task at hand... cleaning the mess that Steven and Amethyst left after their little "scuffle."

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