Chapter 13- Family Question

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A/N Yeeaaaah, when I went to publish, my internet crashed, and all my progress was lost, so I had to start from zero, so this is a Amethyst dedicated chapter, where I elaborate more so on what I want with her character, and how my character works out in the end with her... and no, not romantically.

All rights go to their respective owners... ( listen to the song near the end of the chapter, or the whole chapter... whatever floats your boat honestly!)

Also, big shoutout to towerofbable

Anyways, ONWARDS!

Zachary POV

Finding myself in the familiar planes of my mysterious friend, I walked forward, finding that the area that was once empty now had another new addition.

Unlike before, it had a large building off in the horizon, closer to a hazy mirage.

B???: Already back I see.

Turning around, I once again see my friend, only now there is yet another addition.

On the front of her shadowed robe, was the clear image of a star, made of five symmetrical diamonds.

Zachary: Nice star.

Looking down, the white outline of her mouth curved into a long smile, as her white eyes turned into curved slits, just like a smile emoji.

B???: Thanks. Moving on-

Again, without warning, she practically flew forward, before gripping me by my hoodie's neckline, holding me up with one hand, her expression now irritated, her face now a clear depiction of anger.

B???: Did you really expend ALL your energy in one attack?

Now nervous by the situation I was in, I nodded quickly, not wanting to suffer the wrath of my inner mind's friend.

Sighing, she set me down softly, before summoning a wick of light in her hand.

B???: Listen up! THIS, is your energy!

To signify, she pointed at me then the light.

B???: The more light you build up, the more your energy will be built upon.

In response, light from the mind scape began flying towards her small wick, making it grow and grow, soon becoming the size of a basketball.

Zachary: Sooooo, basically, if I keep collecting more light, I'll make a star?

Clearly irritated by my antics, her expression changed into two the average annoyed emoji, i.e >^<.

B???: Take this more seriously! Now, the initial you have will always be there, but if you expend that little amount you originally had, it will just be like a light switch.

Showing me an example, she sent the ball of energy skyward, letting it explode in a similar fashion to fireworks, before it faded out.

B???: And in response, making your body faint.

Zachary: Makes sense. Expending all of my energy at once makes me pass out, got it!

Almost in response to my revelation, I felt myself being dragged, but instead of it being a slow process like usual, it was closer to that of someone attaching my hoodie to a fighter jet on lift off.

Zachary: WHAT THE-

Before I could finish my statement, everything went black, before I felt myself hit a solid force, face first.



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