Chapter 9- Powers, Emotions... Both are confusing!

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Third Person POV

Four days had passed since Zachary injured his hand. Since then, everything seemed normal, the usual team went out, captured corrupted gems, retrieved gem tech, etc.

As for Zachary... well, he's been adapting, trying to find a house to live in. Currently, he was walking through the board walk, towards the town's hall.

Zachary: UGHHH, Why is it so hard to find a big domed building?!

Walking around aimlessly, Zachary was getting lost, mainly because of how he sidetracked Steven's city tour, to play some arcade games.

Sitting on a park bench, he looks up to the sky, sighing.

Zachary: I hope that there are houses open...

Nearby, a group of teens were laughing loudly, turning the corner of the park.

Girl: Wow, I can't believe you Sour Cream! Your 100th Rave?!

Sour Cream: Yeah, it's going to be rad!

Sunglasses: You goin' Jenny?

Jenny: Sorry Buck, I can't. I have to work, Kiki is actually cashin' in her vacay days!

Buck: Oh, okay, I guess that's cool. We can just hang at the parlor.

Walking forward, they soon notice the lone stranger, sitting in the park.

Jenny: Huh, who's that?

Buck: Eh, he's probably a tourist or something.

Jenny: Well, let's go see if he wants to hang!

The two boys shrug in response, following after their friend.

Jenny: Hey!

Zachary: Huh?

Looking up, the three teens stood in front of the new guy.

Zachary: Uhhh, hey?

Confused, he stared at the group, questioning what they wanted.

Jenny: What's your name?

Zachary: I-its uh, it's Zachary.

Jenny: Well Zachary, my name's Jenny, Jenny Pizza.

Zachary: Pizza?

Jenny: Yeah, it's a family thing. Anyways, here are my friends, Sour Cream and Buck.

Looking at the two, they wave at him.

Buck: Yo.

Sour Cream: Gotta admit, I'm diggin' your style.

Hearing this, the boy blushed, looking down at his attire.

Zachary: Thanks, I thought it was abit exaggerated.

Sour Cream: Totally, but it fits you man.

Smiling, Zachary stood up, stretching.

Zachary: Thanks! I try to have a different trend. Anyways, I need to be off, need to see if any houses are avaible.

Beginning to walk, he stops abruptly when Jenny questions him.

Jenny: You're moving here?

Turning around he nods, then, his eyes widen.

Zachary: Wait, do you know where the town hall is? Where I can find a house deed? Or discuss living arrangements?

Buck: Actually, there're no houses open right now.

Zachary: Wait, how do you know that?

Buck: Well, I'm the mayor's son, so I usually hear this stuff, and this weekend, he said that the last open house was bought by someone. I think Demayo was his last name.

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