Chapter 8- Strange Visions

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Zachary POV

Can't believe I actually bled enough for a puddle...

As Pearl and I were on our hands and knees, soaked rags in our hands, we were scrubbing away, attempting to clean the little mess I caused.

Zachary: You know Pearl, you don't need to help me clean this up, afterall, it's my blood.

She looked up, with a surprised look, shifting it back to a determined look.

Pearl: No, I refuse to let you clean this by yourself, you may mess up cleaning something.

Zachary: Geez, thanks.

Hearing the sarcasm practically dripping from my words, she giggles abit.

Wow, I can't believe I got her to giggle, she seems to be a more strict person... or, gem? Ehhh, what ever.

Pearl: Oh be quiet.

Silence fell over us again, with a frequent slosh from the bucket, and ever so silent scrubbing from both ends.

Ugh, why does blood have to be so hard to clean from wooden floors? I get it stains, but come ON!

*Timeskip of Ten Minutes*


As we leaned back, my backside hitting the floor, as Pearl opted to sit on her legs, we both were satisfied with our work, as the floor glistened from our vigorous work, not a single spot of crimson left.

Zachary: Phew, never thought cleaning could be so satisfying. It was sorta fun.

Pearl: Yes! I know, right?!

Chuckling at her enthusiasm, I nod.

Zachary: Well, I better get this bandaged correctly.

Sitting up, I stretch, cracking my back.

Looking at Pearl, I see a slight look of confusion and disgust on her face.

Zachary: What?

Pearl: Did you just crack your gem?!

Zachary: What, no, I just popped by bones... why, haven't you heard that before?

She shook her head, a face of disgust fully open.

Pearl: No, and I don't think I would like to ever again.

I couldn't help but find her response abit amusing, a small smile finding its way on to my face.

Oh, wait. I haven't popped my neck nor my knuckles.

Smiling deviously, I put my hands on my neck.

Pearl: What are you-


Surprise filled her expression.

Pearl: ...Please stop that.

Not listening, I crack my right index finger and middle finger, disgusting her further.

Pearl: Please stop!

Zachary: Fine, fine, I'll stop.

Deciding to stop teasing her, I walk over to the bathroom, I walk in closing the door.

Unwrapping the makeshift bandage, I wince, not out of pain, but instead, out of just... well, ew.

My hand was pale, the amount of blood needed clearly missing. The cut in itself was clean, but very deep. The bone was visible.

Zachary: *Whisper* Gosh, that is bad...* Whisper done*.

Washing my hands under the faucet, the dried blood now washing off.

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