Chapter 5- Sad Memories

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Zachary POV

I don't understand what Amethyst was about to say. What can't Garnet see? Is she actually blind it something?

Looking at Garnet and Amethyst, I could clearly see that the duo were now nervous, not wanting to answer our question.

Steven: What does she mean, Garnet? What can't you see?

Clearly backed into a corner, the center of our confusion finally relented, sighing, motioning both of us to sit down on the kitchen stools, beside Amethyst, who has a face of guilt.

Sitting down, Steven and I stare at Garnet, who pushes her visors up abit.

Garnet: Steven, remember when I couldn't the corrupted gems future?

I could see Steven nod in my peripherals... wait, she can tell the future?

Garnet: Well, it's the same with Zachary here, except it's on a completely different level.

Confused, I tilt my head, staying quiet, waiting for her to finish.

Garnet: You see, I couldn't see the future of that gem, but I could see the future of everyone else, Connie heading home, Amethyst eating a box of donuts, even Pearl angrily going to her room.

Oh, that's pretty cool. So why is she stressing it so-

Garnet: But that's it, I can't see any of the other paths at the time, and then when Zachary arrived, all my premonition seemingly disappeared, almost fully banishing, until I couldn't see him, when you showed him around town.

...much... Okay, now I get why she's so stressed out by this. It's almost like cutting off one of someone's natural abilities, like their vision or hearing. Now I just feel plain guilty.

Steven: Really Garnet? You can't see a single outcome?

Garnet nodded nervously, hugging her arms, seemingly surprising both Steven and Amethyst.

'Kay, this clearly isn't a daily occurrence for them, seeing their stoic friend and step mother nervous, and likely scared. It only makes sense, before, with that corrupted gem, she was probably excited about it, since it was a rare occasion for her, even a first, but having it happen for what seems like hours is probably terrifying.

Standing, I walk over to Garnet, feeling really guilty.

Zachary: "I am so sorry Garnet, you should've told us sooner."

Giving her a reassuring hug, I feel her stiffen abit, before returning the soft embrace.

Backing away, I smile.

Zachary: Now then, I should go, so you can get back to your usual self, and so you can stop freaking those two out.

Walking over to the couch, I prep myself, and my bag. Heck, it may be nearly nine, but I'm sure there's some motel, and if not, I'm sure they'll allow a single camp site on the beach.

Garnet: You don't have to go that far.

Amethyst: Yeah Z, I'm sure Garnet is fine with this already, 'sides, you've already promised lil' Steve-Man here a sleepover.

Steven: Yeah, it's super late, and we can just figure out how to help Garnet tomorrow.

I look over to Garnet.

I really don't want to bother anyone, and taking away something from someone that's probably used since their birth is already rude.

Zachary: You sure Garnet?

Garnet: Yes, afterall, this is a first for us, so we'll be enjoying it.

We? Oh, she probably means Steven and Amethyst... Pearl probably knows too.

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