Chapter 7- I'm a Gem... So What?!

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Zachary POV

Zachary:... wait, what?

Pearl, still cautious, stepped forward, drawing her spear.

Pearl: As I asked, What gem are you? Did Home World send you?!

Amethyst: Yo P, calm down!

Garnet: Yes, calm down Pearl.

Coaxing her, they attempt to prevent her from doing anything rash, as the thin woman in front of me actually terrified me.

Is she actually going to try and hurt me?

Scared, I try to calm her as well.

Zachary: Pearl, I-I'm as human as the day I was born.

Angry, she jumps over the others, Amethyst attempting to catch her with her whip, whereas Garnet looks dazed, likely from her missing Future Vision.

Running up to me, I quickly back up, but hitting the wall.

Soon enough, the end of her spear was pointed at my neck.

Pearl: Then why do you have gem abilities? Why are you so skilled?! Why is a human able to make a gem struggle?!

Scared for my life, I see Amethyst readying her weapon, like a lasso, and Garnet standing, ready to catch Pearl.

Looking directly at the duo, I shake my head.

Zachary: Don't.

Confused, they stare at me, before slowly standing straight.

Pearl, continually getting angrier, presses her spear against my neck, nearly drawing blood.

Pearl: Answer me!

As she says this, a multitude of images passes through my mind. An iron office, two people in front of me , or to more direct on what this was, an interrogation room.

Detective 1: Listen kid, all we want to know is... What. Happened?

Detective 2: As soon as you tell us, we'll get you a nice new home, heck, we'll even get you a new family!

Soon enough, another image passed through my mind, my line of vision close to the ground, basically hugging it, small amounts of blood staining the ground.

The line of vision shifted up, seeing five larger teens.

I remember this, I was about 9 and they were almost double my age...

Bully Leader: Awww, what's wrong, scared?

Bully lackey 1: You should be, murderer!

Laughing at me, I felt something warm streaming down my cheeks, mixing into the blood on my cheeks. I was crying.

Past Zachary: S-Shut...up...

Bully Leader: Hey ,___, why don't you show this little fighter where he should be?

Huh, after all this time, I thought I'd be able to hear his name...

The lackey from before picked me up, before chucking my small body at a dumpster, my limp body hitting the steel contraption, before hitting the alleyway floor.

Bully Lackey 2: HA! He isn't even good enough for the trash!

Walking over, the five teens proceeded to beat down on my smaller form, the act going for a straight ten minutes, before they finally stopped.

Bully leader: Heh, I really do wonder why they let you live. There was no proof of anyone else in that broken down town, no acts of foul play, nothing... except for a little monster, covered in his own disgusting fathers blood.

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